Naeole Finally Introduces the Contraflow Proposal for H-130… Council Gives Preliminary Approval

I mentioned a while back that Naeole was going to be introducing a Contraflow Proposal for H-130.

“…Emily has two resolutions being taken up at committee level in a
couple of weeks: one calling for a reversible lane on Hwy 130
another calling for the state to create legislation shifting the waste
management burden
to producers and manufacturers…”

Well she finally introduced the reversible lane resolution.

County Council members gave preliminary approval to a resolution that would ask the state to create a reversible or contraflow lane for Highway 130.

The nonbinding resolution notes that Puna is one of the fastest-growing areas of the Big Island and suffers from major traffic problems.

It asks that the state “create a reversible or counterflow lane during peak commute hours on Highway 130 at the bottleneck near Keaau High School.”

Councilwoman Emily Naeole introduced the resolution in the Public Works and Intergovernmental Relations Committee on Tuesday morning. They voted to postpone discussion until Nov. 6 to get more input from police and the Department of Transportation, and then moved on to other business…

Ron Thiel, the Department of Public Works traffic division chief, said he opposed the resolution. He said that the state Department of Transportation would begin construction in 2010 of two new shoulder lanes on the highway that would widen the highway to four pass-through lanes

More Here

Thank you Auntie Emily for pushing this.  We cannot wait until 2010!

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