Councilman Pilago Response to Highway 130 Question

The County of Hawaii General Plan, the Puna Regional Circulation Plan and the Puna Community Development Plan all propose an alternative route as the way to reduce traffic problems on Highway 130 and address public safety in the case of a natural disaster.

Although Highway 130 is a State Highway, within the first 30 days of my administration I will ask our County Dept. of Public Works to coordinate with State Dept. of Transportation to do an analysis and strategic plan.

Within 60 days, they will report to the County Council and the Puna CDP Implementation Committee with a Plan of Action. The short-term actions and open discussions with the community will support and lead to long-term improvements.

Within 100 days of taking office we will determine an alternative alignment having the least environmental and socio-economic impact, begin looking at interim intersection improvements and roundabouts, promote increased use of mass transit and alternative modes of transportation, and develop an implementation plan for coordinated actions by State and County agencies.

K. Angel Pilago
“He leo, he leo wale no”
“A voice, simply a voice”

One Response

  1. I’m really getting to like this Angel Pilago, his consideration about roundabouts and his recent NO vote on Emily’s legal fee has put him over the top for me. He has won my confidence and if elected I hope that he holds it.

    I would like to see roundabouts rather that traffic lights and maybe having a Mayor in favor would make the state look into them rather that just reject them. It is very hard to teach an old dog new tricks but the state should start listing to the community.

    The Lack

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