Another SMS Pollster Just Called Me AGAIN… RE: State of Hawaii and Big Island Mayoral Race

I got another call from SMS Research out of Honolulu.  I don’t know how many other people are getting them… but I find it weird that I keep getting them.

Some of the questions asked.

In general is Hawaii better off or worst off then 5 years ago?

In 5 years, do you think Hawaii will be better off or worst off?

Please Answer the Following about the following people.

Are you in Favor of Obama, McCain, Pilago, Kenoi (each one at a time)  Very favorable or not very favorable

Then again they asked my Age, Union Affiliation

Whether I supported the Con Con… and at what Costs I think the Con Con should happen… etc.

How often a Con Con…etc…

I don’t mind taking the 5 minutes to answer these phone calls as I know public opinion often gets swayed by opinion polls.

I do find it funny that they would call me again after they called me earlier I guess they wanted to see if my opinions changed.

I mentioned the results of the Poll a few days later here.

I do have to wonder about the methodology of this polling system.

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