Kimbo Slice Draws Ratings on TV… AND My Blog!

I can’t believe that very shortly after I posted this post on my blog, that very shortly my blog got wind in the “cyber” world.

Within 30 minutes after I posted it… I had 800 + hits in less then 30 minutes.

Kimbo truly got his ass kicked tonight.  I don’t expect him to be getting much more chances at becoming a legitimate MMA superstar,  as he is only hype.

He is was a strictly street fighter that made it big by youtube fights.  The power of the internet shows that even a scrub can make a buck by getting his ass kicked.

Here it is again just to show you what a chump the buggah is:

This is where all the Hype from Kimbo comes from.  It is pretty much this one singular youtube video that made it’s rounds and others similar that made him famous:

Why Space is Important to the Military

I just read an interesting article on why NASA and the Military need to get along.

Here is a couple quotes I’ll share:

“I think the recent military conflict has shown us, without a doubt, how important the use of space is to national security and military operations

…Other research projects include telecommunications initiatives and space-based radar.  Its important that we leverage our capabilities together” Teets said, to assure having the best military and civilian space programs possible, he said.

More Here

UH WINS Against 22nd Ranked Fresno State

I’m stoked… nothing like a good win versus a good team.

32-29 in OVERTIME!

Kimbo Knocked Out in 14 Seconds: Tonights Video

I don’t know how long that youtube will have this available:

And from a different view:

And the reason why he didn’t fight Shamrock as scheduled:

Yes… I’m Religious

Did the TMT Already “Borrow From Military Programs” to Accelerate Research?

I find the following statement on the TMT website very interesting:

Is there any military connection to TMT?

No. The TMT is a purely scientific endeavor, and managed entirely by the university partners.  There is no connection to the military at all.

But then I read this Military & Aerospace Electronics August, 2004 article :

…Engineers must compensate for image distortion caused by atmospheric turbulence, although the technology does not yet exist to do this in such a large telescope, Stepp says.

Engineers have suggested three new types of experimental adaptive optics for the task: multiconjugate, multi-object, and ground-layer. There aren’t any working prototypes of these systems because researchers need improved simulation tools and physical components.

Specifically, researchers need enhanced components such as deformable mirrors, charged-couple-device (CCD) wavefront detectors, high-power lasers, and real-time signal-processing electronics to tilt the mirrors, Stepp says.

One way to accelerate this research is to borrow from military programs

“This technology comes from the whole ‘swords and plowshares’ balance; we would never be able to do this if we hadn’t been terrified of the Russians 20 years ago,” says John C. Mather, senior project scientist at NASA Goddard. “All these detectors were first designed by the military to look at Earth. So we just needed to turn them around and adjust them to look out into space.”

So I guess my basic question is… has the  TMT used the military for research purposes as of yet?

Today’s KO

Bit tired today…