Whatever Happened to the Latest SMS Poll?

On September 24th I was Polled by SMS research about which candidates I was voting for and I blogged about it here.

This was the second time that SMS polled me.  The first time they polled me, the results of that poll were published within 2 weeks.

I have not seen any results of the second poll that they polled me on.  I wonder if this is because in the first poll that SMS conducted… they had Kenoi with a slight lead… so the Tribune did report on it, however, it’s in their archives now, but I did blog about it here.

Why has the second SMS Poll not been published?  Is it possibly because Pilago was in the lead in the second poll and the Tribune is pretty much a Union based paper that has endorsed Kenoi?

Dr. Weatherford made a comment which reminded me about this second poll here where he states:

…Did you see the poll in the Hawaii Tribune-Herald and the West Hawaii Today?
No? Neither did I. hmmmm… wonder why?

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