Blast From the Past: Ichiro Suzuki and Hilo Baseball

When I was attending UH Hilo, I was fortunate enough to meet this Japanese Baseball player that came over from Japan and was supposedly pretty good.  I knew very little about Japanese baseball and the only reason I went is because I was with some exchange students from Japan that wanted to see the game.

Because I was with these Japanese exchange students, they were introduced to the player and then he came back and partied with them at their house for awhile…(Of course flirting and hitting on the Japanese girls that were there)  I didn’t realize why all these Japanese students were so “Giddy” to be “Partying” with some “Minor League” Baseball player.

Well it turns out this player was Ichiro Suzuki who of course later went on to become famous in Major League Baseball.

ichiroA few years later:ichirosi

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