Nobody Told Me I Was Supposed to Tie the Turkey Legs!


My turkey has been cooking for about 2 hours now… and nobody told me I was suppose to tie the legs with string.  The skin is crawling up the legs leaving some ugly looking bones instead of nice tasty legs!

Also no one told me I was suppose to put extra foil around the wings… so my wings are getting cooked much faster then the rest of the bird…

ARGH!  Oh well learning lessons.

It’s ok if the bird doesn’t look good as long as it’s still edible… Right?

And if I carve it up before anyone really get’s a chance to see what it looked like… then no one will know… right?

Plus, the thermometer thingy already popped and it’s only been about 2 and a half hours!  It’s suppose to go for at least 3 – 4 hours!

I hope this Turkey isn’t a total disaster!

Good thing other people are bringing food too!

Hope everyone elses Thanksgiving is going a bit better then mine!

4 Responses

  1. We had “Thanksgiving at Aneho’omalu Bay” with about 70 people and I took the vegan food. A good time was had by all.

  2. Dinner was absolutally delicious Damon. Great first turkey… even if it was already sliced before we came. Love, Mom

    Damon – Thanks for coming over… and thanks for not looking at the hacked up carcass under the pot on the stove.

  3. So … we are waiting … how was dinner?

  4. When the schedule gets messed up, you can (and should) use a meat thermometer to be sure the turkey’s done. Good luck!

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