When the Pain Exceeds the Pleasure… It’s Time to Push On

I’ll never understand some folks that are so hung up on things… that’s quite ok for me.

I’m gonna take a break from administrating the FBIBlogs for a little while and just take a step back from things for a few.

I was pretty shocked to learn that folks were actually offended that I analyzed their blog… when I guess they don’t realize their blogs are always being analyzed.

Have lots of exciting things coming up… I look forward to ripping it up on a 70 MPH Jetski real soon … Yes, that is the fastest one on this island… and yes, I will be wearing a life jacket.

Mahalo @hilomikey

Waimea Country School Open Houses

Dave Haggen and the Haggen Family Visit the Big Island in February

I was either trying to go a day without blogging… or I was having a blogging “block”.  Kind of like a writers block where you just don’t know what to talk about.

Today’s post is devoted to Dave Haggen.  One of my best High School friends I had that will be visiting the Big Island in February.

I’m stoked to see this buggah as we used to get in a lot of trouble together!  I just wish I had more then the weekend to spend time with him now that I’ve been hired by the Census Bureau.

I’m hoping to take him Ziplining, on a Helicopter Tour, as well as seeing the Lava by boat at night all in a matter of 24 hours!

I’ll see how that works out.

I’d like to say thanks ahead of time to KapohoKine Adventures for being a great tour company on the Big Island and I look forward to future adventures with them.

Yes, this is the “Dave Haggen” from the “Haggen” family that owns the TOP Food and Drug store chain on the mainland.