Dave Haggen and the Haggen Family Visit the Big Island in February

I was either trying to go a day without blogging… or I was having a blogging “block”.  Kind of like a writers block where you just don’t know what to talk about.

Today’s post is devoted to Dave Haggen.  One of my best High School friends I had that will be visiting the Big Island in February.

I’m stoked to see this buggah as we used to get in a lot of trouble together!  I just wish I had more then the weekend to spend time with him now that I’ve been hired by the Census Bureau.

I’m hoping to take him Ziplining, on a Helicopter Tour, as well as seeing the Lava by boat at night all in a matter of 24 hours!

I’ll see how that works out.

I’d like to say thanks ahead of time to KapohoKine Adventures for being a great tour company on the Big Island and I look forward to future adventures with them.

Yes, this is the “Dave Haggen” from the “Haggen” family that owns the TOP Food and Drug store chain on the mainland.

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