2 Responses

  1. Hello,
    My name is Laura. I met a few “Hug it Forward people at Ceo space.
    Love the work. World hug day is Jan.21st. my friend Lisa Coltman who I met through Ceo Space & I Will be at Sun dance Film Festival making our own Hug day video.
    Lisa traveled all the way to Israel for the Hug holding hands around it.
    I flew to Australia to meet Juan Man from
    “Free Hugs”.
    I would Love to get some T-shirts of the Hug it forward.
    Please respond ASAP for time is of a issue.


    Live, Love, Laugh, Laura “Butterfly Within”

  2. Tomorrow I will hug everyone I usually just say “hi” to.

    And OOOOOO to you, your wife and my little darling.

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