My Weekend With Dave

Picture Courtesy of Dave Haggen

I’m so stoked that I got to spend the last weekend taking my old high school friend, Dave Haggen, around on a few Big Island excursions.

It’s been a long time coming for me to reunite with this buggah and it was great to see him.

For most of us that went to school at Sehome… we all remember him as the cool kid that disappeared during his sophomore year… however, within the last couple years I have bumped into him online.

Well he is still the cool kid Dave… he has lost about as much hair on the head as I have… (teasing Dave… LOL as I too am bald!)

It was great seeing Dave after all these years and I’m glad he is doing well and hanging out like the rest of us…

I’ll be posting some pictures soon and blogging about some of the stuff we got to do after all these years soon…

Just wanted to say thanks to the Haggen “Clan of 25” for allowing me to take Dave away from you folks and I apologize for getting him home late.

I know… I know… I was always getting him in trouble back then… and looks like I messed up again by getting him back to your clan on time again. (I take full responsibility)

At least the next day I was able to get him back to the hotel on time. I can say… “I got Dave home in time for the first time in some 27 years huh?”

Love you Haggens… Mahalo for letting me take Dave away from you guys for the weekend.

Haters… Pfft! Get a Life!

I recently found out the following email was sent to at least one of my sponsors.

It may have been sent to more but that is not my concern nor am I concerned about “Haters”.

I am writing in regards to a web site on which your advertisements appear. It is a site hostile to the culture and ecology of Hawaii, containing numerous inflammatory and erroneous statements.

Advertising on sites such as these not only degrades your image to individuals educated on subjects featured on the sites but also validates the half-truths and misinformation disseminated by the site to those to less informed.

Please visit the site. Attempt to verify information contained on his site with authorities on these subjects such as University of Hawaii professors, the HDoA, DLNR, etc.

Thank you for your time,

J.R. Miles

This message should be of especially great importance to a business of your nature

My simple response is something to this effect:

…You’d be amazed at some of the Kooky comments and hate mail I get sent to me personally for allowing some folks to comment on my site.

I take it in stride and realize there are many people in the world with just too much time on their hands and too much hate built up in them so I tend to not even respond to most of the kooky stuff…

Folks need to get a life and quit being so hung up on peoples personal lives at times. Well at least I know that folks are at least looking at the Sponsors of my blog.

Mahalo Sponsors for standing by and understanding that I am who I am, and any of you are more then welcome to pull any of your ads at any time you feel I’ve wrote something offensive to you.

A Three Minute Census by Ian Lind

I love it!

As many of you know I’m a Supervisor for the Census.  I’m glad Oahu blogger Ian Lind is doing his part for the 2010 Census.

Many may know that he is a cat lover… here you will see just how much of a cat lover he really is!

Congresswoman Mazie Hirono Recovery Act Tour of Hawaii: Molokai

To commemorate the February 17th anniversary of the signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law, Congresswoman Mazie Hirono kicks off her online tour of Recovery Act sites in Hawaii by visiting a $5.3 million highway resurfacing project on the island of Molokai.