Was It Really Necessary to Have Two Siren Blasts Each Time?

I think the Big Island folks that were in charge of this recent tsunami evacuation did a pretty good job of keeping folks informed of things.

I will say that other islands seemed to have much more information available to them as even Mayor Mufi Hanneman was using social media to send out messages!

I understand the need to alert folks of an upcoming tsunami, but was it really necessary to blasts the sirens for as long as they did and have them doubled up like they were?

I’m still worried that at some point folks might just become a bit to complacent about the sirens.

There was a lesson to be learned in the Aesop’s Fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf“.

One Response

  1. I absolutely think so. One signal? Someone could get confused and think it was a drill. I think Civil Defense did a great job, there was real potential for disaster, and they didn’t want to lose anyone. Yes, the horns are obnoxious – but otherwise, people would ignore them. Small inconvenience over a relatively short period of time, but totally worth it.

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