Governor Abercrombie on the Hawaii Broadband Initiative

Aloha friends,
My Administration is working hard to ensure that the State of Hawai’i will be at the forefront of high-speed technology. Please take a minute to view this special message about the Hawai’i Broadband Initiative and how your state government is examining ways to enhance our statewide broadband network by closing gaps in service, ultimately improving connectivity throughout the Aloha State.

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Help give the people of Hawai’i a competitive edge by participating in the Hawai’i Speed Test, visit

Aloha.  This is Governor Neil Abercrombie.
For a state as isolated as our own, high-speed Internet can be transformative. 
It connects families, businesses and institutions – between the islands and with the rest of the world.  It spurs economic development, fosters innovation, and gives current and future generations a competitive edge. That’s why my Administration has launched the Hawaii Broadband Initiative, to provide universal access to affordable, ultra high-speed Internet by 2018. 
Leveraging federal funds, our goal is to establish a statewide connection of one gigabit per second.  That’s two hundred times faster than today’s typical household connection.
But we need your help. Visit HawaiiSpeedTest dot net to measure the current network in your area.  Take the test often, at different times of day, and from multiple computers and mobile devices. 
Data from across the state will help our broadband specialists map out Hawaii’s overall network coverage. So please visit hawaiispeedtest dot net. Mahalo

One Response

  1. DOWNLOAD SPEED:496.00 Kbps
    UPLOAD SPEED:444.00 Kbps

    $115 per month for that speed

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