Eloise Mumford Awarded Golden Honu at the 2012 Big Island Film Festival

On Saturday at the 2012 Big Island Film Festival there were more movies and films that included “Nobody’s Child” and “Steve Phoenix – The Untold Story” in the morning followed by “Buzkashi Boys” and “Donkeys’.  Then in the afternoon the films “Election Day”, “Found” and “Searching for Sonny” were shown.

The big event of the day was the “Reception and Salute” to actress Eloise Mumford.  The reception included a carving station that had roasted turkey and then this steamed platter of Chinese food.

After the reception and salute, there was a celebrity awards ceremony where Big Island Film Festival Director Leo Sears presented Mumford with a 2012 Golden Honu Award for Acting.

Maui film producer Brian Kohne (Get a Job) interviewed Mumford about what it was like to work in the industry and she mentioned how fortunate she feels to be so far along at such a young age.

While only a few weeks ago Mumford learned that the current show she stars in “The River” has been cancelled, she remained upbeat and talked about a current project she is working on entitled “Waikiki”.

Eloise with the producers of “Waikiki”

She talked about the auditioning process and how many auditions folks really need to go out and do before they may even get picked up. Of course Kohne tried to convince her to come play a part in one of his upcoming movies.

After the awards ceremony, I had the opportunity to go on a walk with Eloise and ask her a few more questions about herself.

Eloise Mumford and Singer/Songwriter/Producer RJ Kaneao

When she was talking to Kohne earlier in the evening she mentioned that she graduated from High School in Olympia, Washington and that struck a nerve with me as I attended a High School there as well my freshmen year.

Well it turns out that she went to Capital High School and I went to a high school on the opposite site of Olympia called Tumwater for a brief time during my younger days.  Of course I really didn’t want to ask her how old or young she was… but with this connection I was having with her… I just had to ask her what year she graduated, but with respect for how young she really is… I won’t say what year she graduated in!

Of course all the guys want to know if she is single.  Well she does have a boyfriend that arrived just in time for her to receive an award.

Sorry guys… taken!

Later on in the evening the “family films” held at The Shops of Mauna Lani, were “Dissolving Destinies”, “A Finger”, “Two Dots”, “Giant Monsters” and ” Miss Minoes”.    The festival films held at the Plantation Estate of the Fairmont Orchid were ” Technicality”, “Nani”, “Silver Case”, “Scenen” and “Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy”.

I had to leave early the next day to go to Oahu but according to the Big Island Film Festival Facebook site… The previous attendance record of 1954 patrons was smashed this year with 2202 patrons and visiting filmmakers visiting this year.

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