Highway Patrol Freeway Drones in Hawaii?

Is this the future of our Highway Patrols here in Hawaii?

A Subaru Highway Automated Response Concept Vehicle

According to the New York Times:

…The Subaru Highway Automated Response Concept vehicles, developed by Subaru Research and Development in Japan and designed specifically for Hawaii, are powered by renewable energy — and they have aquatic capability. “The cutting-edge SHARC patrol vehicles will provide an innovative, affordable and environmentally conscious solution for 24-hour highway monitoring,” the designers say…

Full article here: Freeway Drones for a Futuristic Highway Patrol


2 Responses

  1. Robocop?

    That didn’t end well in the movie…

    What are the supposed benefits of this concept, anyway? “Better” law enforcement? Cheaper? This appears to be “solving” problems that do not exist.

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