Bill to Reduce Taxes on Interisland Flights to be Heard

Bill to Reduce Taxes on Interisland Flights to be Heard:


WHAT:  The Committee on Veterans, Military, & International Affairs, & Culture and the Arts (VMI) will hear HB1128, which would exempt interisland flights from general excise and use taxes for sales of fuel from a foreign-trade zone.

WHEN:  Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 8:30 A.M.

WHERE:  Hawaii State Capitol, Conference Room 312

WHY:  Since the Superferry ceased operations, interisland transportation has once again been limited to air travel. This has coincided with a rise in fuel costs that has put the islands farther away from one another. This legislation would help reduce the costs carried on to consumers and bring the islands together.

WHO:  Rep. Angus McKelvey (West Maui, Maalaea, North Kihei) introduced HB1128, which will be first heard by VMI. The Committee is chaired by K. Mark Takai, with Ken Ito as Vice Chair and Reps. Brower, Cachola, Choy, Ohno, Onishi, Takayama, Tsuji, and McDermott rounding out membership.

“This bill impacts everyone because as an island state we are extremely dependant on interisland air travel, especially in ensuring that the smaller rural areas in Hawaii are well served and have access to the other areas of the state for business, as well as staying connected with loved ones,” said Rep. McKelvey. “In these times of rising costs, we need to look at what we can do to benefit everyone and I believe HB1128 is a step in the right direction.”


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