Professional Skydiver Ash White Dies Today While Skydiving

Ash White

Ash White in a picture posted on SkyDive Hawaii's Facebook page today

I’m saddened to learn that experienced parachutist Ash White passed away skydiving today at Skydive Hawaii.

Their facebook page stated the following a few hours ago:

We are closed at this time for the rest of the day. A freefall collision rendered Ash White unconscious. Our thoughts are with those he loved and all the skydivers who he jumped with over his some 12,500 jumps. Rest in peace.

I’ve gone skydiving twice with them and I’ve never had any problem.

The first time I went they took pictures of me and the second time I went they took video of me.

Skydiving is a dangerous sport and recently Red Bull Cliff Diver Orlando Duque got injured skydiving which put him out for the 2011 Red Bull Cliff Diving World Championships.

I still remember signing the waiver that said skydiving was dangerous and that I could die!

Always read the fine print when signing waivers