Black Friday 2012 Kicks Off on the Mainland – My Rant

Well I’m going to start “ranting” on my site every now and then and tonight’s rant is about crazy Black Friday shoppers.

Shoppers go crazy at a Wal-Mart as Black Friday 2012 Begins

I’ve never once participated in this annual ritual where folks head out to Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Malls and other places that offer Black Friday specials.

To me… it’s just not worth the hassle of standing in line and then fighting the chaos once you get in the store.

It also seems that many of the folks that are participating in this ritual… are purchasing things for themselves and not others!  Why else would you wait so long for a certain price on something and then go crazy on a night just to get it?  You can find gifts for other people without fighting this madness!

Here is a video that was uploaded a few minutes ago from the mainland at a Wal-Mart store:

Black Friday: Midnight Arrives and Chaos Begins at Walmart Keeaumoku

Video from John Garcia: