Wordless Wednesday – Before and After (Brachiaria Mutica)

A couple of Mondays ago I asked what this obnoxious weed was that was growing in my yard and according to one of the comments it is Brachiaria Mutica or in my terms… the pain in the ass grass!  Others think it might be California Grass… I still don’t know the exact answer for sure.

Brachiaria Mutica

Brachiaria Mutica - Before

I had a few good answers on how to get rid of the buggah, but the one that I ended up trying, was from the President of the Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers Association, Ken Love.  Here is his suggestion he gave me  on Facebook:

…weed mat with rocks on top for about 3 months-You could cover it with anything — so it does not get light. — It will come back but when it does, its much easier to find and dig out.

So the other day… I started the process:

Brachiaria Mutica

Brachiaria Mutica - After

Ken has another site that he hosts where you can learn all sorts of information on local fruits and vegetables called the HawaiiFruit.Net .  Ken writes “The pictures and data on these pages are from almost 30 years of work on the Big Island….” so it’s definitely a great resource we all can use from time to time.

So check out Hawaii Fruit Growers Association and HawaiiFruitNet for more information on local fruits.