Hawaii Resident Makes Forbes Magazine: Inside eBay Billionaire Pierre Omidyar’s Battle To End Human Trafficking

Hawaii residents, Pierre and Pam Omidyar are investing millions to end modern-day slavery with their organization Humanity United. Find out how in this issue of Forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2012/11/08/inside-ebay-billionaire-pierre-omidyars-battle-to-end-human-trafficking/

Data from CAST shows how many enslaved people from various countries the LA-based group has helped free from the vicious trafficking cycle.

…When eBay went public in 1998, Pierre Omidyar “skipped ‘regular rich’ and went straight to ‘ridiculous rich,’ ” he says. He and Pam, a molecular scientist and his college sweetheart from Tufts, decided immediately that they’d give the vast majority of their wealth away within their lifetimes (they’ve since signed the Giving Pledge). Both just 31 then and worth more than $7 billion, it was a serious, overwhelming proposition. It took a few early years of earnest, scattershot check-writing across a handful of charities before they focused on trafficking as a target…”

More Here: Inside eBay Billionaire Pierre Omidyar’s Battle to End Human Trafficking