Senator Gary Hooser – “Why Me, Why Now – Lieutenant Governor”

Submitted by Sen. Gary Hooser:

For some newspaper columnists, bloggers and armchair political pundits, the office of Lieutenant Governor seems to have become the preferred whipping boy. It is almost fashionable to belittle, deride and take snarky swings at LG candidates. “Why would anyone possibly aspire to the ‘do nothing and meaningless’ office of Lieutenant Governor” they often ask, implying that those seeking this office are somehow misguided and/or downright clueless.

Rarely do the commentators state the obvious.  Historically, the person who holds the office of Lieutenant Governor has gone on to become Governor, and/or serve in Congress.  So this supposedly “meaningless” office clearly positioned some to make bigger and better contributions over the long haul. The dynamics of Hawaii’s present political landscape, further accentuate this potential…

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