Colombian Rebel Leader Who Killed Pahoa Resident Caught in Venezuela

The Washington Post reported today that Lahe’ena’e Gay from Pahoa was one of the residents found in a Venezuelan pasture back in 1999 and the Colombian rebel leader who killed her, William Alberto Asprilla, was finally captured in Venezuela.

William Alberto Asprilla

A member of Colombia’s largest rebel group has been captured in neighboring Venezuela and is wanted for his role in the kidnapping and killing of three Americans in 1999, Colombian police said Thursday.

William Alberto Asprilla, also known as “Marquetaliano,” was detained Wednesday while on the road between Caracas and the nearby port of La Guaira, said Gen. Carlos Mena, director of Colombia’s judicial police.

…The bodies of Terence Freitas, 24, of Los Angeles; Ingrid Washinawatok, 41, of New York; and Lahe’ena’e Gay, 39, of Pahoa, Hawaii, were found in a Venezuelan pasture just across the Colombian border on March 5, 1999, one week after they were kidnapped. The three had been in Colombia to help set up a school system for the U’wa Indian tribe…

Full Story Here: Colombia says leftist rebel captured in Venezuela, wanted in slayings of 3 US citizens.