Introducing the ahaBlog

For those of you that visit the folks on my Blogroll(s) on the right hand side, you will know that I only put the blogs that I feel are really compelling to me on there… as well as the fact that they are damn good bloggers.

The Poor Turtle That Started It All

Today, I’d like to introduce you to the “ahaBlog” a personal blog by Jasmine Guevara over on Oahu. You can learn more about her in the about section of her site.

I had the chance to meet Jasmine on one of my recent sponsored trips to Oahu and all I can say is that she is someone to watch for in the years to come in the social media world.

I welcome Jasmine to my blogroll and it will be another part of my daily reads.

How Cool is This… Damon Tucker: Featured Blogger

I’m not gonna beat around the bush… I’m blushing a bit that Social Media extraordinaire Jasmine Guevara featured me as her first “Featured Blogger” on her site “Community Connect“.

I met Jasmine through Twitter for her love of coffee… as you can tell by her Twitter “Alias” @coffee tweets.

I later bumped into her on Oahu a few weeks later when I was doing some other stuff up on Oahu.

While folks like me just love to blog for fun… folks like her get to use her social media skills for a living!

Mahalo Ms. Guevara for featuring me on your blog!

Maybe some day, someone will see the value in blogs and I’ll get paid for what I do!