Matt Levi Investigates: “The Colt Brennan Story”

A couple of weeks ago the following aired on TV.  It’s now available online:

Matt Levi in an exclusive interview with Colt Brennan.

Colt talks openly about his rise to iconic football hero and his fall in the wake of injuries, arrests and substance abuse.

Sex Trafficking in Hawaii – On the Streets and Behind the Headlines

The other day I posted a video that Malia Zimmerman of the Hawaii Reporter posted entitled “Jana’s Story: Life as an Underage Sex Trafficking Victim in Honolulu”.

KHON2 News just reported on Emergency responders train to help sex trafficking victims.

…”Well I know they learned of the magnitude of the problem. And I think that is the most valuable thing that’s heart wrenching to hear how widespread this problem is in Hawaii,” said Yamamoto.

“Prostitution is inherently detrimental to women and children. Okay there is no legislating it. There is no regulating it, you can’t fix it, it’s just the way it is,” said Xian.

But you can fight it, with lots of soldiers on the street knowing what to look for.

Tonight I will post Matt Levi’s special on “Sex Trafficking in Hawaii” that was just posted a few months ago:

Matt Levi looks into the world of sex trafficking in Hawaii. We meet a former victim and speak with experts in the field.