State Historic Preservation Plan (Draft) Now Available for Review

The latest draft of the State Historic Preservation Plan is now available for your review.   To read the draft click here State Historic Preservation Plan.  Please note that formatting, addition of Hawaiian grammatical marks, pictures and several of the appendices will be completed with the next iteration of the plan.

Pu’ukohola Heiau National Historic Site

Please send any comments about the draft to by September 17, 2012.

What we are doing and why?

The development and implementation of a comprehensive statewide historic preservation plan is one of the responsibilities of each State Historic Preservation Office, as outlined in the National Historic Preservation Act.

South Point Burial Site

The key features of this approach to historic preservation planning are:

  • The plan has a statewide focus. The statewide preservation plan pays attention to preservation issues and players all across the state.
  • There is active public involvement, not only in developing the vision, issues, and goals of the plan, but also in helping achieve these goals.
  • A wide variety of preservation-relevant information on social, economic, political, legal, and environmental conditions and trends is brought to bear in the identification and assessment of issues affecting resource preservation.
  • The plan addresses the full range of historic and cultural resources throughout the state. This means that within a single plan document, all resources representing the breadth and depth of a state’s history, prehistory, and culture are considered. This includes buildings, structures, objects, prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, designed and vernacular landscapes, traditional cultural properties, and underwater historic resources.
  • There is coordination with other planning efforts in the state, such as federally mandated transportation planning, the statewide comprehensive outdoor recreation plan, and local land-use plans.
  • Plan implementation is linked directly to SHPO expenditures of their federal Historic Preservation Fund grant.

The last National Park Service approved plan for Hawai’i was in 2001, a report draft was completed in 2009, but not approved, and the 2012 planning process is currently underway. This site describes the process that is being undertaken and we welcome your involvement.

More information here: Hawaii Historic Preservation Plan