An Answer to Andrew regarding dogs in Hilo’s parks.


I hope you find this link informative for you regarding dogs in the park.

I find it hilarious that they are trying to ban smoking in parks…..

Banning dogs/smoking/etc. from parks is ridiculous.

Two different flavors…but still goes down with the government regulations I hate seeing enforced upon people.

Hawaii Bound Plane to Kona Makes Emergency Landing in Los Angeles

I really don’t like flying and when I hear of stories like the following that happened last night… it makes me even more nervous.

A Delta flight from Los Angeles to Hawaii had to turn back and make an emergency landing on Friday night.

Almost 200 passengers, including a basketball team that had saved up for the trip, were stranded at Los Angeles International Airport due to the problem.

According to passengers on Delta flight 1767 from LAX to Kona, the plane began shaking almost immediately after takeoff and continued for about 20 minutes.

More info here:

Recycling Toilet Paper Rolls

My four year old son is recycling our empty toilet paper rolls.

When i asked him if it was for a school project… he said “no”.

I asked him why he was putting the rolls on the side…. he said “they are cardboard, and cardboard is recyclable…yeah?”

I said… if you say so son.

I’m glad kids now a days are getting conditioned to recycle at a young age.

Hawaii Guiness Record Attempt at Group Hug for Food Bank

What a great idea!

Ten-year-old Ashley Kakazu is attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the “Largest Group Hug!” The Group Hug will be televised to spread the spirit of aloha to the world and raise awareness of hunger in Hawaii. The event will be limited to the first 10,000 registered. Canned goods will be collected from each person at entrance to benefit the Hawaii Foodbank.

I think everyone on Punaweb should do a group hug at times ;)

Mahalo Aaron Stene

I just noticed that Konablog Author Aaron Stene has added my blog to his webroll.

Mahalo Aaron for your support.

I’ve been a reader of your blog for awhile now and you are one of the key inspirations for starting a blog.

The Natives Said No to Annexation in 1892

I find the following paragraph from this 1892 New York times article kind of interesting:

“The Natives” said the examiner’s commision, “do not want annexation because they are proud of their history, on good terms with the Queen, and generally satisfied with their own way of living. They know enough of the white men’s laws to prefer their own, which fits the conditions of their life.”

It always amazes me when people think that locals couldn’t survive today without the American Dollar.

A response to Punamom on H 130 Problems

Punamom over on Punaweb mentioned the following:

Well then your first recommendation should be to lower the speed limit to 35 then

GET RID OF THE FREAKIN YIELD SIGNS TO TURN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not that most folks know they are even there,cause by the time you see them its to late to yield.
Not that you have visibility to even be able to yield if you could see the signs that are at some places and missing in others………….errrrrhhh!

Thanks for your concern, I will keep a collection of all comments made on this road project.

I too hate that one Yield Sign on Ainaloa as your heading out to Pahoa.

I lived on the mainland for a while before moving to Puna… and I too was confused when I saw that right turn yield at Ainaloa.

While Matson prices increase… they receive an award for technology!

I’ve talked to a few Matson employees, and they get paid pretty well.

We are really stuck here in Hawaii relying upon this shipping company.

I always scoff when they receive some sort of an award.

Anyone with a stronghold on a place can receive awards :(

Matson Navigation Company has been recognized as a Laureate by the Computerworld Honors Program in the transportation category for its Integrated Document Management (IDM) initiative….

More here

Fake Smiles in Waikiki

Rob Tucker, President of FoPF posted the following on PUNAWEB:

I had to go to Honolulu yesterday on business and spent the night and came back this afternoon. I wouldn’t normally mention such a trip except for this:

Everywhere I went and everyone I dealt with from hotel staff to ABC store to Design Center to airport was super nice and making an extra effort to make me feel appreciated. I noticed. Sales staff would toss in something extra to take home for the kids for free. Stuff like that. Or a nice smile with eye contact and some conversation.

So instead of being dejected about the state of the economy and tourism slacking off and people in traffic- as an apparent tourist I felt great. If this holds true people will return again and again. All that aloha is what Hawaii is really about.

This is my response to the question:

I have to ask… do you not feel the Aloha here in Puna?

It sounds from your post that you are surprised to see this?

I lived in Honolulu for the last 10 years, and I’ve heard those same people in the tourist industries bitching about the tourists when they aren’t working.

Getting paid to smile is different then real aloha.[:D]

People at ABC stores actually have “Fake” Customers that come in and see if they are greeted with a friendly smile…. if that fake customer reports back to management a bad experience…. then that employee is put on a “warning.”

I bet this holds true at many places that cater to tourists.

Invited to the States Dept. of Transportation Advisory Task Force for Highway 130

I recently had applied to be a part of the State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation (HDOT) task force.

Well I got selected and I am honored to be on the task force that makes recommendations for the Road.

The first meeting will be held on August 26 at 6:00 p.m where we will agree upon the time and place for future meetings, and will also execute a Charter that outlines the Rules and Responsibilities for the Advisory Task Force.

I look forward to making improvements in the Puna area, and I look forward to working on this task force that was put together by the State Director of Transportation, Brennon T. Morioka.

Mosquitoes and Garlic: It’s a Myth

Since moving back to the Big Island from Oahu, I have been getting bitten alive by mosquitoes.

My wife keeps telling me I need to eat more garlic. I keep telling her it’s not going to help.

Answer: It’s a Myth

Myth: Eating lots of garlic or taking garlic supplements repels mosquitoes.

Reality: Bernier found garlic had no effect, as did a study at the University of Connecticut Health Center. However, the lead author, T. V. Rajan, thinks garlic could work. It’s just that the amounts required might not be “socially acceptable,” he says.