New Retail Center Coming to Iwilei… but at What Cost to Health?

Here are some snippets from this article I just read:

……..Once developed, the four-acre land parcel will likely house an expansive retail center located approximately 15 minutes from Pearl Harbor and adjacent to a lively retail district….

….“Additionally, due to the site’s environmental issues, the borrower was able to purchase the property outright, rather than acquire it through a ground lease, which is rare in the Honolulu market.”….

….The facility is contaminated with high concentrations of benzene resulting from over 70 years of industrial operations. WESTON is investigating the use of an innovative in-situ chemical oxidation process to clean-up the site.

A Two Newspaper Hawaii Island Moment

Ian Lind often talks about a “Two Newspaper Moment”.

We had one today on the Big Island.

In the Hawaii Tribune Herald the headline reads:
Poll: Kenoi leads mayor’s race
In the West Hawaii Today headline it reads:
Poll: Most Undecided

While both polls say that Kenoi is in the lead the headlines are fairly misleading.

From those that I talk to…say Pilago is picking up steam.

Who is the Better Athlete in this Picture?

I found this interesting Wall Street Journal article about Duke Kahanamoku and Babe Ruth.

In it states:

…Mr. Marren estimates the photo would go for between $500 and $1,000 if it were put on the market today. The autographed program he puts at between $3,000 and $5,000. Babe Ruth is “the most popular athlete of all time, still today,” he says…..

While Babe might be popular, I think we know here in Hawaii who was the better athletes of the two. Just look at the bodies ;)

Duke Kahanamoku and Babe Ruth

Duke Kahanamoku and Babe Ruth

But hey… if it’s the Wall Street Journal, they must be right ;)

Hut 1… Hut 2… Hut 3… Colt Brennan Begins His Pro Career Today

*Update –  The police report from todays 11/19/10 car crash can be found here: Colt Brennan and Girlfriend Shakti Stream Get in Head-On Collision in North Kona.

Well Colt Brennan begins his NFL career today in the “2008 Hall of Fame” game.

I guess we will soon find out if he really can play with the “Big Boys”.

For those of you that don’t know already, his girlfriend is from the Big Island:

Shakti Stream

The New York times had this article last year that pretty much tells the story on what happened to him and how he got to his Senior Year at UH.

A Picture from the Past

My Grandfather was sent to Yap during the Sixties to help with some Medical stuff.

Dr. Perry E Rowe (Ted)  Meeting with Chiefs in Yap

Dr. Ted Rowe (left) Meeting with Chiefs in Yap

He also came to Hawaii to be the physician for the Hawaiian Agricultural Company back in the Sixties.

A few years ago House Rep. Glen Wakai was going to send me to Yap to give many of the pictures I have in my collection to the Yap Museum that was being built there. At the time, my son was just born and I really didn’t feel like going there and leaving my wife and son back in Hawaii for a week.

Now that my son is older, I might talk to Rep. Wakai again about going there again.

Living in Harmony with the Land

In 2001, my girlfriend at the time (now wife) wrote a paper for an English class that she was taking at the time.

I’d like to reprint it here, as it has more meaning now to me, then it did 7 years ago:

Living in Harmony with the Land

The beauty of living off the land and having a
family that uses the land to live off of far outweighs living in a
culture with no love for the land. When I left my family in
January of this year to live with my boyfriend and continue with
school, I moved to the non-stop hustling and bustling city of Honolulu
on the Island of O’ahu from the peaceful and laid back District of Puna on
the Big Island. This move has been the only time I have had to move in my
entire life. Because my family has been, and probably always will be, my
life, I became homesick and began to realize that not only did I miss the
beauty and peacefulness of the Big Island, but I also missed the beauty of
my family and the lifestyle that I had grown up knowing.

After just a few days on O’ahu, I realized what a concrete jungle
O’ahu is. I began to see how different these two places really are. The
place where I was brought up is beautiful, and I feel that the beauty of
my family does not only stem from their inner beauty, but from the beauty
of the land that I call home. Puna, where my family comes from, is a
major part of my family’s life.

I come from an area known as Puna, a small community on the east
side of the Big Island. Puna is a little bigger than O’ahu in size; more
people attend Kapiolani Community College than live in our district. In
Puna, everyone knows each other or at least knows someone’s relatives.
There were 98 students in my graduating class, and a little over half of
them were related to one another. Some may say that Puna is in its own
world as there are no night clubs, 24-hour gas stations, and fast-food
restaurants; and it has just one 7-11. Everything is laid back, and
everyone just cruises around all day. On O`ahu, I can go for weeks without
seeing any relatives, but in Puna I cannot go anywhere without running
into members of my immediate or extended families.

Many people in Puna live off the land. Farming is a way
of life for them. People take care of the land just as if caring for a
family member. The land that my grandparents live on is surrounded by
acres and acres of papaya fields, wild mango and guava trees. It is an
area unique with people who have so much unconditional love that
they accept each other and are willing to invite someone into their
lives as if he/she were their own family member.

The community has long been affected by numerous social and
environmental problems that don’t occur elsewhere, such as people
experiencing health problems due to the use of geothermal energy and the
loss of Kalapana due to volcanic activity. During the 1990 lava flows in
Kalapana, hundreds of families, including many of my relatives, were
forced to move from homes that they had known their entire lives to find
temporary homes to await the outcome of the devastation. One incident in
particular can describe the feeling of community, when the Star of the Sea
Painted Church, where my grandparents attended service, had to be moved
because of the approaching lava flow. Church members along with many
volunteers from around the state combined efforts to complete this
laborious task. This is what I consider a beautiful family, helping those
that are in need and giving love to others whether they are blood related
or not.

On my father’s side of the family, we have always led simple
lives, living without running water or electricity and having to share a
phone line with four other families in the neighborhood. Simple things
that many families take for granted, our family has had to do without and
work hard to make up for the lack of technological developments in certain
parts of the Big Island. To take a bath at my grandparents’ home, we had
to boil our own water outside in a large barrel and then take it into the
washroom. I miss these kinds of experiences, and it has made me
appreciate modern conveniences and how easy city life is.

Doing everyday tasks together has really made our family stronger.
Different responsibilities have been bestowed upon members of our family,
such as fishing and farming, and we all work together to make sure the
tasks get done. Even the younger children participate in all aspects of
work, from peeling taro for making poi or weeding under noni and awa trees
to help maintain the crops for harvesting.

On the one hand, living and working with my family to take care of
the land may have prevented me from attending some of the social events
that others may have had the chance to experience. On the other hand, many
of my friends do not have the experiences of working with their family to
maintain a beautiful lifestyle. If land and nature are considered
beautiful, then using the land and nature to support a family has to be
considered one of the most beautiful activities in the world. In the long
run, I feel that I have gained strong family values and know that my
family and the land that I grew up on will always be there to help me.

Tourists 0 ….. Pornography 1

You know tourism is dropping in Hawaii when the head of Hawaii’s Tourism Authority gets busted for sending out porn on his work time.

The buggah had one killah job only to possibly lose it because he was nuts…. Or at least has nuts. ;)