Picture that Takes Me Back

I like this AP photo that is circulating on Yahoo right now:

Not because of the sea lion, but because of where the boat is from. :)

Department of Public Safety (Police?) Using Digital Aerial Photography

Big Brother is watching us:

The Kaua‘i County Council yesterday unanimously approved the release of more than $5 million in state funds to upgrade the county’s public safety systems for the next generation…..
….To meet the needs of tomorrow, Knutzen said, the county needs digital aerial photography; next generation CAD and RMS procurement, training and implementation; and full integration and interoperability with RMS, GIS and mobile data terminals with field reporting……..
….The Big Island, Knutzen said, has already started with its flyovers for digital aerial photography.

What I’m assuming this technology can do… Is zoom in very close while recording MPGs Video clips that can be examined at a later time.

And to think… Mom used to lay out and get a sun tan all over ;)

The Man Who Discovered Tetris… Lives on the Big Island.

File this under the you learn something new everyday:

“….Henk Rogers, the video game pioneer who discovered Tetris and brought it to the West….
….Rogers agreed to fund it because the theme of Blue Mars fit with his dream of an idealized planet. It also offered the chance to improve the technology culture of Hawaii. Rogers graduated from the University of Hawaii and lives on the Big Island…..”

Here is the Wiki on Henk Rogers.

I loved Tetris… and still can find myself playing it at times.

Click Here to play a game on me.

$284 Million going to Hoku on CHINESE Solar Parts.

Ummmm…. Do we really want to rely upon China to be supplying our States Solar Parts.

According to the contract, up to approximately $284 million may be payable to Hoku during the ten-year period, subject to product deliveries and other conditions.

Can you say recall?

Blue Hawaiian Helicopters Opens Business on Oahu

Yesterday, marked the first day of Blue Hawaiian Helicopters service on Oahu.

…The three new tours will cover Oahu’s must-see sights. “Waikiki by Starlight” (15 min.) is a romantic excursion to Waikiki and Diamond Head, glittering at night. “The Aloha Circle” (30 min.) offers the best of Honolulu, both harbors, Waikiki beach, the stunning beauty of the Kaneohe side and the Nuuanu Pali. “Blue Skies of Oahu” (45 min.) reveals the spectacular “other Oahu” of rainforests, beaches, reefs, and soaring valleys, plus Sacred Falls, the Dole Plantation, and Pearl Harbor….

More info can be found here.

Another Airplane in Route To Hawaii Makes Emergency Landing

The other day I mentioned that a Delta Flight had to make an Emergency Landing.

Well today it happened again with an American Airlines Plane heading to Hawaii.

“Ian Gregor of the Federal Aviation Administration said American Flight 81 was bound for Honolulu but turned back to LAX after the pilot reported smoke in the Boeing 757 aircraft.”

I’m not flying anywhere for awhile and I’m glad I’m safe here on the Big Island with my Ohana.