Mahalo’s in Order

I already thanked Aaron at the Konablog for linking my blog to his blog.

I’d also like to thank Hunter for linking my blog at his blog.

I’d also like to thank Doug for linking my blog at his blog poinography

And I was overwhelmed by the people that dropped by after Ian mentioned my blog in his blog the other day. Mahalo Ian for mentioning my blog… I think most of us in Hawaii know that you are the Best blogger in Hawaii.

And I’d like to thank the others in advance when they get the opportunity to uplink my blog.

Thanks for the support.

Hawaii 5th in Nation for State-Local Tax Burden in 2008

…. As Income Growth Outpaces Tax Growth, senior economist Gerald Prante computes each state’s combined state-local tax burden, accounting for taxes paid out of state….
…New Jersey residents paid 11.8%, topping the charts. New Yorkers were close behind, paying 11.7%, and Connecticut was third at 11.1%. The top ten were rounded out by Maryland (10.8%), Hawaii (10.6%), California (10.5%), Ohio (10.4%), Vermont (10.3%), Wisconsin (10.2%) and Rhode Island (10.2%)….

More info here.

*update* KHON is about to report on this. ;)


This could end GO! Airlines in Hawaii real fast.

…For many years Delta has built a reputation of working closely with its regional airline partners in a spirit of co-operation and good faith,” said Mesa Air Group Chairman and CEO, Jonathan Ornstein. “We are disappointed to see Delta now appears to have chosen a different approach with its regional airline partners. We appreciate the difficulties faced by Delta and remain willing to work cooperatively in the mutual best interests of both companies,” Mr. Ornstein added….

More here.

Ferry Dead in the Water… Strands 100 Cars and 200 Passengers

No, its not Hawaii’s Military Superferry…

A Washington Ferry named the Elwha has left 200 passengers and 100 cars stranded on the ferry today in Washington because of engine failure.

Coincidentally, the Elwha also has a well-known reputation as being incident prone. Through her career, she has rammed numerous docks, run aground multiple times and even hit a rock while taking an alternate route by a captain in the San Juan Islands while trying to show a woman passenger her house from the water

After this incident, a song about the incident called “Elwha on the Rocks” became a popular tune for radio stations to play. Even a drink was later tabbed “The Elwha on the Rocks”. ;)

6 Year Old “Lil Demon” From “So You Think You Can Dance” is From Hawaii

I saw this on KHON the other night. This 6 year old boy goes to Ewa Elementary School.
His real name is Anjelo Baligad. The kid is now getting contracts to dance at other events on the mainland.

Here is his performance in full from the TV show:

The Recent Fight at Pahoa High

If we had cameras and youtube back in the days when I was in High School, I think we’d probably be posting stuff like this to0.


But from this video, it looks like it took place on school grounds.

Where is the security … I’m guessing that must have been them in the last few seconds of the video?

Harvesting Tomatoes Puna… The Youtube Result

I had to laugh at this video on youtube when I put in the following keywords in the search box.

Harvesting Tomatoes Puna: