Mahalo Richard Ha

I’d like to continue with my Mahalo’s as more and more people post a link of my blog to their website.

This one goes out to the owner of Hamakua Springs Country Farm

Mahalo Richard!

And nice article in the Inc. Magazine as well as all of the other awards you have received.

Koa Puna Motorcycle Club Footage from Sturgis

Just noticed that Koa Puna had some representatives at the 2008 Sturgis Rally this year.

Here a video of the club riding from Sturgis:

Nothing real exciting, I just think it’s cool that some members were there.

New Stop Sign at South End of Old Cemetary Rd.

Just noticed that they are erecting what appears to be a stop sign at the end of Old Cementary Rd where it ends at South Kaohe Homestead Rd.

This stop sign is very much needed. I wonder if there has been any wrecks at that intersection?

Highway 130 Suggestions from the Community *update 8/10*

I’ll be posting comments I hear from time to time about the Highway 130 project here.

+ NO widening — that only creates more traffic.
+ 45MPH From South end of Pahoa Bypass (intersection near school) to North end of Keaau Bypass (Shipman Industrial) .
+ Use the County Helicopter to patrol during busiest times and cite, cite, cite the crazies speeding, passing on the shoulder, tailgating, etc.
+ Major danger to be addressed: people passing in the shoulder lanes, including the alleged ‘6am-8am’ strip where people drive way, way fast and pass on the right side.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

I think a light is needed at the entrance/exit to Pahoa. Accidents happen frequently and near accidents all the time. Too many drivers seem to have no idea what the rules are at this intersection and cut in front of cars going 55 when they’re supposed to wait.
I am actually for widening. One lane for those who like to put put 20mph under the limit and the other for those who drive the speed limit. Traffic moves much more quickly where it turns into 2 lanes in Keaau. Lower Puna is rapidly growing and more and more people will have to commute to Hilo. It’s crazy that certain spots (where Keaau goes from two lanes to one) create traffic jams that take 20 minutes to go a mile. It’s only going to get worse over time. I think it is crazy for a rural community to have traffic jams worse than we had in the Bay Area. Helicopters buzzing around everywhere to issue traffic citations sounds horrible to me. Robguz


Traffic lights v roundabouts: roundabouts are way safet — many, many cases documented of reducing crashes [they’re NOT accidents!] and reducing the severity of those that do happen.

Commuting to Hilo is NOT the future. Develop Puna for Puna with services, business, and livelihoods right here. Repeated cases demonstrate that a 2-to-3-year highway widening project such as would be the case for Hwy 130 reduces traffic congestion for about 5 years. And, then, there’s more traffic…
Of course, mass transit potential has not even begun to be realized.
Put the $$ outlay and hours-on-the-road as costs, compare local economic development and reduced dependency on low-occupancy-vehicle versus widening. Make a fair comparison. Having seen the results in so many other situations I am confident local economic development and reduced use of cars is most beneficial.

The Helicopter proposal was NOT about them “buzzing around everywhere.” …gimme a break!
The County owns one Police helicopter right now in this real world we are talking about. It could be deployed tomorrow morning.

Perhaps you are afraid of being cited for traffic violations?

James Weatherford, Ph.D.

The Cabbage vs. Butterbean Video

Enjoy it while it’s up. I don’t know how long youtube will have it posted.

Cabbage Knocks Out Butterbean in the 2nd Round But Loses in 2nd Round of K1 Tourney

The title says it all!

Here is a great picture I found.

Unfortunately in the second round of the tournament the following happened:

….Another injury changed the matchup for the first semifinal — it was announced prior to the bout that Mighty Mo could not continue in the tournament due damage suffered in his scrap with Smith. Under K-1 rules, reserve fight winner Randy Kim took Mo’s spot against “Cabbage” Correira.

An aggressive start to this one, Kim firing in kicks, Cabbage closing with fists. Kim had the more varied attacks through the first — low kicks, knees, a spinning back punch and a couple of good right crosses that made contact — but could deliver the decisive blow. In the second, however, it was evident that Correira’s trailing leg was hurt. Kim focused his attacks there, striking on the inside of the calf to score a down, then kicking the leg again to get a second down and pick up the win….

Extreme Home Makeover Rebroadcasts Auspicious Hawaii Edition

Extreme Home Makeover will be rebroadcasting the Hawaii episode tonight.

There has been much said about this edition, in the fact that the family is not as “Needy” of a family that other families that have been on the show.

More has been said about it here: