Honolulu County Council District 7 Candidate’s Campaign Manager Quits

I just got a text message from Former Campaign Manager of Honolulu Council Candidate Alyn L.A. “Lynn” Vasquez-DelaCerna of District 7, that he, Matt Lum, was quitting as her campaign manager, the official reason given to me, “I feel I can better serve Dela-Cerna’s campaign in other ways.”


I forgot to mention that Vasquez-DelaCerna has also been compared to Emily Naeole by one astute political observer.

…For example, look at , uh, “rough-around-the-edges” Councilmember Naeole of Hawaii County who managed to defeat incumbent Safarik in 2006. To be polite, I definitely see some similar mannerisms in Naeole and Vasquez-DelaCerna….

Disclaimer here… I know both Lum and Vasquez-DelaCerna personally and they are both honorable people.

*update* 8-29

Mr. Lum visited the Big Island last weekend and I was able to show him the volcano, red road, kalapana, etc. in his brief few hours that he had here.

During this time, he discussed that he was still contemplating coming  back to the campaign and he would know with in the week.  He hasn’t contacted me on the matter, however, judging from the comment just received by Candidate Vasques-DelaCerna, it appears as though he is back as the manager.

Politics…. don’t you just love it;)

Wayne “Big Dog” Joseph Coffee Talks Scheduled for this Weekend

Please don’t consider this an endorsement for the “Big Dog”, just consider it a community announcement so that you can become more informed of our Candidates. I’ll continue to post other information as candidates inform me or I hear of them.

Hawaiian Shores – August 16, starting at 10 a.m. hosted by Del Pranke 965-8169

Hawaiian Paradise Park – August 17, starting at 11 a.m. hosted by Bryn & Danny Berg 966-6009

Controversial Cruise Ship Proposal Rejected

This should be a shot in the arm for tourist officials…. Well I don’t know if Rex Johnson needs any more stimulation ;)

A federal agency has failed to justify a proposal targeting foreign cruise ships visiting Hawaii that critics say would have altered cruise ship itineraries and imperiled tourism dollars and jobs, both in Hawaii and on the mainland, the White House ruled.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection filed the proposal late last year aimed at protecting U.S.-flagged cruise ships operating from Hawaii by reducing foreign ships’ time in the islands, but critics said it would have led to fewer cruise ship visits at mainland ports as well….

More Here

Marriott Officals Lies About Air Capacity to Hawaii

In the following article, Marriott Hotel President Ed Fuller talks about how his hotels here in Hawaii and throughout the world are doing great. What a bunch of crap the following statements he made are. I understand it’s his job to fill the rooms, but geez…. has he been to any of his Marriott Properties in Hawaii recently?

….Fuller and other Marriott international division lodging executives want agents to know that there is as much air lift capacity this year from the mainland to Hawaii as there was two years ago and that lack of air seats is a misperception that is constraining the market.

“There is no shortage of air in Hawaii,” noted Ed Hubennette, area vice president, North Asia, Hawaii and South Pacific…

“is not the most expensive destination,” the perception in the marketplace notwithstanding. Rather, he said Hawaii is affordable (prices are the same as in 2007)…

…..Hawaii is down but that is partly the result of tight room inventory because of renovation and construction….

The Dirty Dozen… Pesticides in Produce

Here is a list of the top 12 Produce items that should be bought organically and a list of the 12 produce items that typically have less pesticides then other produce items according to the Environmental Working Group.