Gumapac Comes Back After a Surge By Joseph

Honestly folks… I’m not playing with you guys…. I can’t control these polls in any way other then reporting on them.

Gumapac and Joseph Running Dead Even

Just noticed that Joseph fans have rallied and Gumapac and Joseph are now dead even in my polls.

Trust me folks… I don’t have any control of these polls as I only embed the code into my site and the polls are formulated out of my control…. interesting note that really actually bums me out, is that as the administrator of these polls… and the restrictions that I put upon them, I freaking can’t even vote on them;) because of the restrictions of the polling service I’m using.

Roundabouts… Give Me an Argument for Them

Much mention has been made to putting Roundabouts on H-130. As I think about Roundabouts on Highway 130, I wonder… do people think they are feasible on H-130?

I do see where they could work on some of the side roads.

With the light restrictions imposed because of the telescopes up on Mauna Kea… I see these as a possible lawsuit in the making. They just won’t be that visible at night time.

I’m still learning things and I’d like input on Roundabouts and the feasibility of them for the pending H-130 project.

Today’s Idiot Knock-Out

This is just too hilarious:

Smoke Weed at the Democratic National Party and Don’t Worry About Getting Busted

Hunter Bishop wrote a post, entitled Proposed county law fizzling in Denver, where he quoted from the Denver Rocky Mountain News article saying:

…A panel set up to implement the ordinance wants police to go easy on attendees at the Democratic National Convention coming up in Denver but aren’t getting much cooperation….

Well it appears the problem has been solved and the police are going to cooperate with the weed smokers.

A panel convened to implement a voter-approved Denver ordinance making possession of small amounts of marijuana the “lowest law enforcement priority” voted Wednesday to approve a resolution urging police to refrain from making arrests or issuing citations during the Democratic National Convention….

The Race for the White House

I’ll move this to the Unofficial Polls page soon enough if your looking to find it later on.

US Womens Soccer Win Gold in a Thriller… Kai Celebrates

Local girl Natasha Kai pulled a Mia Hamm Brandi Chastain today in the Olympics!

Mia Brandi, as you may remember, pulled off her shirt and caused a bit of controversy a few years back.

Mia Hamm Celebrates by Taking Her Shirt Off

Brandi Chastain Celebrates by Taking Her Shirt Off

Well Today, Natasha Kai did the same thing. Hope there aren’t any repercussions against her and I hope we as a society have gotten over such issues.

Natasha Kai Celebrates After the US Women Win Gold

Natasha Kai Celebrates After the US Women Win Gold

Hawaii Sierra Club Director to Step Down

I wish Jeff the best in his new endeavors.

Jeff Mikulina, director of the Sierra Club’s Hawaii chapter, is stepping down after 10 years in the position. Mikulina’s last day will be Sept. 27…

More Here

Hawaii Chef on CBS Early Show

Hawaii Chef Roy Yamaguchi was on the CBS Early Show this morning. Interestingly enough, he was cooking with the Kampachi that I mentioned yesterday.

Here is the video from it.

Here is an article from CBS.