I Hereby Endorse Angel Pilago

After hearing so many great things about Angel Pilago…. I had to meet the man personally.

He showed up down at the recent Kalapana forum and besides him finding out who I was and how small of a world this really is…. I’m convinced that he is the person to endorse for Big Island Mayor.

Despite the close connection my Mother has with Inouye…. I have to endorse the candidate that I think will be the best person for the job.

Masilamoney and Barrozo Head to Head…. Kenoi Making a Commotion

Just noticed that Masilamoney and Barrozo are running dead last in my Unofficial Polls.

I also noticed that Pilago’s high poll percentage has dropped in recent days, obviously from the recent rise in Kenoi votes. This could be an interesting race here on these unofficial polls after all.

My blog is less then a month old and as more people find my blog…. I would think the polls will continue to change.

About a week before the actual primary… I’ve decided that I’ll run another poll to give everyone a chance to re-vote in case their candidate of choice has changed.

Mr. Barrozo… I appreciate you running…. but after showing up 2 hours late at tonights forum….and then introducing yourself and saying you don’t know what to say…. I would say it’s honestly time to bow out.

No hard feelings…. if you ever read this though.

Local Blogger Ian Lind: “Eyes Stinging……Tear Gas Used?”… Live From the Democratic National Convention

If you haven’t been following local blogger Ian Lind’s adventure to the Democratic National Convention… earlier today he “Tweeted“:

“Eyes stinging after riot police confront protest group downtown-tear gas used?”

Ian Lind Gets Close Up at the DNC

Ian Lind Gets Close Up at the DNC

That would suck if Ian was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don’t think he would do anything on purpose now that he’s a bit over his “Protest Days”.

Notes From Candidates Forum in Kalapana

District 5 race:

Present: Gumapac, Joseph, and Stocksdale

Absent: Naeole and Safarik

Mayoral Race:

Present: Pilago, Moore, and Barrozo showed up 2 hours into it. Interesting to note that Kenoi didn’t make it despite the fact that he grew up literally down the street from the place.

District 4 House race:

All candidates showed up


General thoughts:

It was it was a good forum. I know I won’t be voting for Jasper Moore.

Fred Blas was handing out candy bars with his name on it.

Stocksdale said she was hot and therefore uncomfortable.

Marzi was surprising well informed of the recent Pakalolo Bill before State Legislatures and is for decriminalizing Pakalolo. *Update – see note on bottom of page

Gumapac and Pilago: Against Thirty Meter Telescope Project

Joseph: For Thirty Meter Telescope Project

Most others had no comment on the project.

John Olsen moderated the forum and did an excellent job, although I wish candidates would have been limited to a certain time limit on their replies.

I left at about 5:20 (20 minutes past the expected ending time) and the questions were still being asked.

I noticed Hunter was taking notes and also had his tape recorder.

Expect a more formal report from Hunter.

Blonde Moment of the Night: Stocksdale “What is Puna Buddah” (Pakalolo) AFTER SHE ANSWERED A QUESTION ABOUT IT!

I did learn that Representative Hanohano is on the same Highway Advisory Panel that I’m on and she did mention Tuesday’s meeting.

*edit* Update:

Anthony sent me an email and I wanted to make sure that he was not unjustly quoted.

This is his clarification:

…I just want to put forward a clarification
regarding the pakalolo issue. I spoke about the medical marijuana
taskforce bill(hb 2675) and a strategy to get it through next session
as well as my opposition to property seizure. I was not advocating the
wholesale legalization of marijuana…..

Sorry about the misquote Mr. Marzi.

Today’s KO

This idiot was filmed in Hawaii:

Stocksdale Leads Naeole

I don’t want to read too much into the Unofficial Poll at the top of this blog, but it does not surprise me that Stocksdale is leading Naeole in the poll.

Candidate Stocksdale Response to Highway 130 Question

For me it’s a no brainer, increase the bus fleet and the frequency of the bus schedule. Promote safe and secured park and rides, whether it be in the private subdivisions and other areas that make sense. Then lobby the Governors Office and the state highways divisions (everyday if need be) to widen Hwy 130. Further more, until this can be done I would encourage car pooling and partnership with the state and the county to have police officers (at peak travel times) at the various outlets/inlets to kokua/ provide safe traffic control for our citizens as they drive out of Puna Makai.I would also partner with our State Representative to lobby the state to put a traffic light at the intersection of Orchid land, Pohaku and Shower and Kaloli. When elected I will pledge some of my discretionary funds to this cause. I believe there’s been several deaths at these intersections. How many more deaths do we have to endure before we get these traffic lights?

Council Member Jacobson Response to Highway 130 Question

The fastest, cheapest, easiest and most sustainable method to reduce
traffic problems on Hwy 130 and all other roads would be to implement
a comprehensive mass transit program immediately. This would consist
of para-transit vans and park and ride lots linking residents of
subdivisions to the bus routes on Hwy 130, Hwy 11 and other arteries.
This is a system where residents could reliably count on buses every
hour going both outward bound to any other island destination and
homeward bound routes from the airports, Puna, Hilo, Kona, Ka`u,
Hamakua and Kohala. If we do this now, there will be no need for
expensive road upgrades and building new highways.
Hawaii County Council Member Bob Jacobson

An Answer to Those Loud Thuds at Night

I recently moved back home to the Big Island after about 10 years on Oahu.

For the last few nights I’ve been hearing loud “THUDS” in the middle of the night while I’ve been sleeping. So loud they wake me out of sleep. I was wondering if the wind was knocking something against the wall, was wondering if something was falling in the night, earthquakes, etc… I was beginning to think I was just dreaming of these loud “THUDS”.

Well just now I heard the Damn “THUD” that has been driving me nuts. It turns out the neighbors Avocado tree has grown so large that the Avocados were falling on the shed next to our house.

Damn Avocado “THUDS”.

Kaneohe Man Reports UFO(s) Over Marine Base

Don’t shoot the messenger here folks… but a Kaneohe man has reported that he is seeing UFO’s over the Marine base on Oahu.

….In the last 6 months I have now captured images of over 6 or 7 different shapes, Dark Black huge cylindars, White cylindars, bell shaped, saucer shapped, formations, etc. I need someone I can trust. Aloha, Frank….

I myself tend to think it’s just a photoshop job.  The author of the site, analyzes the picture more here.

Advertisers Paid Bloggers to Go On Strike Tomorrow

Hat tip to Larry Geller over at the Disappeared News for sending me over to Honolulu Advertiser staff Rich Figels Blog today where he mentions:

…The Advertiser blog strike is supposed to start Monday, Aug. 25, so after Sunday I don’t know when (or if) I’ll be back. One issue is staff writers want to be compensated for extra work, such as blogging, Fair enough. But shouldn’t freelance bloggers be paid for our contributions as well? Content is content, and the Advertiser should pay writers who provide it….

Don’t worry folks… I’m not getting paid to write the stuff I do. If I were…. I would be broke.

Well I am broke…. so maybe I’m just not getting paid enough.

Anyone wanna send a braddah a dallah?