Todays Reporting of the SMS Big Island Mayoral Poll

I reported here last week that I was one of the people they called on this latest Big Island Mayoral Poll.

Today’s tribune has the the results of this poll.

And just as I asked on my previous blog about where they were going with the Union Activity… they answered it here:

“People not belonging to a labor union provided 77 percent of the poll answers”

You see the thing is with these people that are calling and giving these polls, the majority of the time people don’t care to talk to them… thus the only people that respond to these phone polls are people that have an interest in the poll.

I find the polling device used by SMS pretty flawed… and I can only say this, because I was recently questioned by them.  (They had no way to verify if I was even the resident of the house or just some joe-blow picking up a random phone call at this house… as I’m not listed on the phone number they called)

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