Mahalo Once Again…600 Posts and 200 Comments Mark!

This post marks both my 600th post on my blog as well as I just got my 200th Comment (not bad… average… one comment per every three posts…I guess I piss more people off then I thought)

Andrew Cooper just  Left the following comment marking my 200th comment on my blog, and I just noticed that I reached 600 Posts!  (Trust me folks… I’m not “Potagee” and I tend to be quiet when I meet most people… until I get to know them well)

Well not including all the stuff the spam filter has caught.

I’m truly amazed that I would interest so many people.

I don’t mean to piss anyone off in the process!

Mahalo to all that have read, made comments, and participated in polls!

To address something Andrew just said in that comment, I responded:

How can I just simply skip the military angle of this…when I’m so Anti-Military

In Response to The Kona Blog… Military and the Mountain Observatories

Aaron at the Konablog recently wrote a post regarding a  comment I left on his blog, and I figured I would address it on my own turf ;) (Sorry about the Fonts as I cut and pasted a lot of this)

As far as military angle,I would like some hard proof that the military is directly benefiting or using the existing telescopes. Until that point, it is simply a conspiracy theory.”

Here’s just a few links I’ll pull together real quick:

…The Pan-STARRS telescope proposed for the top of Mauna Kea on the Big Island would hunt for killer asteroids that could devastate Earth, supporters say.

But most speakers at a preliminary meeting on the project Thursday in Hilo did not want to talk about the project’s task. Instead, many criticized the project’s connection to the Air Force, while others said they did not want any telescope on Mauna Kea.

…The U.S. military did it in the late 1980s, however, Thompson said in a telephone interview. At that same time, Thompson and some colleagues were working on the idea, too, and he was involved in the first successful laser guide star, generated in 1987 — also coincidentally on Mauna Kea.

Military researchers were surprised at the time, he said, and rushed to get their parallel efforts declassified in order to get credit for the breakthrough. The declassification of that material in the early 1990s helped civilian astronomers perfect the technique, Thompson said.

Today’s adaptive optics systems include the two Air Force facilities mentioned above (3-m class telescopes at the Starfire Optical Range in Albuquerque and the Advanced Electro-Optical Facility on Maui), and about half a dozen 3 -5 m class astronomical telescopes around the world. The newest additions are systems for the new generation of 8 – 10 m astronomical telescopes: the Keck I and II Telescopes and the Gemini North Telescope, all atop the Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii.


NOW I WOULD LIKE SOME SOLID PROOF THAT THIS BUGGAH is going to help us…. any links with facts?

What Happened With the TMT Supporters… Opinions Changing?

In my previous poll on the TMT about whether people are in favor of having the TMT on the Big Island, out of 24 votes cast so far 83% are in favor of it…  20 Votes for 3 Votes Against and 1 undecided.

Now that readers of my blog see that there is actually an option for the TMT to be located elsewhere besides Hawaii, the numbers are quite different on my most recent poll as to where it should be located, the results are much closer:

So far, 35 votes have been cast.  17 prefer Mauna Kea and 18 Prefer Chile,  just ONE vote from a dead heat.

I would imagine that these stats might even be a bit stretched since a few supporters of the TMT project have blogged about this poll to their readers on their blogs here and here, yet I haven’t read any bloggers that are against the TMT pointing towards my poll.

To me,  it makes it even more astonishing that people are either changing their mind on this project, or I just have a different set of readers participating in this poll compared to the first one.

Washington State Defines What a Medical Supply of Pot Amount Should Be… Still Concerns About the Law

I really think Hawaii needs to lift some of the laws regarding Pakalolo here in Hawaii.  One of those limits is the 7 plants allowed.  Washington State recently defined what a Medical users allotted amount can be and it appears more favorable to those that need it, although there is still some rough edges.

The state Health Department on Thursday defined a two-month supply of medical marijuana as 24 ounces of usable pot and up to 15 plants, a limit designed to end a decade of confusion over how much patients are allowed to have.

But patient advocates criticized the limit as arbitrary and insufficient, saying it could leave sick people in danger of going to jail, and they threatened to sue to prevent the rule from taking effect.

“We looked at what appears to make sense for most of the patients in the state,” said department spokesman Donn Moyer. “There will be some who don’t need as much, and there may be some who need
Click here to find out more!

Washington was among the first states to approve the medical use of marijuana to treat AIDS, cancer and other debilitating illnesses. The law, passed in 1998, allowed patients a 60-day supply of marijuana, but didn’t say how much that was. Over the years, several patients with a doctor’s authorization to use marijuana have been arrested by police who deemed them to have more pot than necessary.

Patients who need more marijuana than allowed by the new rule can make that argument to a judge if they’re arrested.

The limit adopted Thursday takes effect Nov. 2, and nearly matches the rule used by Oregon, which allows 24 ounces plus six mature plants and 18 immature ones. Some California counties allow more marijuana, but many of the dozen states with medical marijuana laws allow much less than Washington’s new rule – just an ounce or two, in some cases.

The Health Department decided against using a mature-immature plant distinction largely because it didn’t want police to have to determine what constituted a mature plant.

Instead, officials went with a limit of 15 plants at any stage of growth.

Law enforcement officers “really just want a line in the sand,” Moyer said, and the 15-plant limit allows patients flexibility to decide how to grow them.

Patient advocates scoffed at that. Douglas Hiatt, a Seattle attorney who represents patients, noted that only female marijuana plants are usable as medicine, and about half of all plants growing from seed grow to become male. So to get to 15 usable plants, a patient or provider might have to plant 30 – in violation of the law.

“No patient I know of anywhere in the state is in compliance with that number,” Hiatt said.

And, he said, the 24-ounce limit for dried bud might work for patients who smoke marijuana, but not for those who eat it. He called the limits “completely nonscientific.”

We all know this is a political decision that doesn’t have anything to do with the reality of patients’ lives.”

The Health Department initially considered setting the limit at 35 ounces plus 100 square feet of plant canopy. But Democratic Gov. Chris Gregoire found those numbers too high and urged officials to get more input from law enforcement and doctors.

The Health Department did so, and cut the numbers accordingly. Law enforcement had worried that drug dealers could use a higher limit to conceal illicit marijuana growing operations.

The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs’ policy director, Joanna Arlow, did not immediately return a call seeking comment Thursday. But she previously called the 24-ounce limit “reasonable.”

Steve Sarich, a patient and advocate from Kirkland, said he would go to court to seek an injunction to prevent the rule from taking effect. He argued that it was arbitrary, and he took no comfort in knowing that patients could try to prove in court they need more than the limit – something that would likely require a doctor’s testimony.

“How is the doctor going to prove you need more plants? Is the doctor going to prove you’re not very good at growing,” he said. “Where is the clarity this rule was supposed to provide?”


People typically grow for the Bud’s and not the stems and leafs…. although In Hawaii, they count anything whether it’s useable or not!

Tour Operators Doing Anything for a Dollar

I just noticed a Parachute company on Oahu allowed this guy to go parachuting dressed as seen below!

I sure would hate to have been the guys tandem instructor!

I’m probably setting myself up on this one… but oh well… it was tagged as a “Hawaii” blog ;)

East West Center Hosting Award Winning Author Lou Cannon

The East West Center is holding an event where Lou Gannon will be talking on the topic of:

“Journalism on the Brink? The Decline of Newspapers, the Rise of the Internet, and the Trivialization of Political Coverage.”

Where: Garden Level, EWC Hawaii Imin Int’l Conference Center, (1777 East-West Road)
When: October 20, 2008

5:00 p.m. (Free admission and open to the public.)

I wish I was still living on Oahu, because I would be sure to be at this presentation by the award winning author.

“…Cannon worked 26 years for The Washington Post as political reporter, White House correspondent, columnist, and Los Angeles bureau chief. He has also written cover stories for California Journal, National Review, and The New York Times Magazine, contributed op-ed articles to The New York Times and L.A. Times, and has been a frequent commentator on television and radio.

Cannon has won numerous awards including the White House Correspondents Association coveted Aldo Beckman award (1984) for overall excellence in presidential coverage, and the Gerald R. Ford Prize (1988) for distinguished reporting on the Nixon, Ford, and Reagan presidencies…”

I used to work for a couple of School Papers, and I only wish that we had the Internet to “Break” stories back then.

…Clearly it’s dangerous for historians to wield the “worst president” label like a scalp-hungry tomahawk simply because they object to Bush’s record. But we live in speedy times and, the truth is, after six years in power and barring a couple of miracles, it’s safe to bet that Bush will be forever handcuffed to the bottom rungs of the presidential ladder. The reason: Iraq… Lou Cannon in the Wahington Post

Think About This as You Watch the VP Debate Tonight

You are the Boss of the Presidential Selection Committee . . . which team would you hire?

Educational Background:


Columbia University – B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations.
Harvard – Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

& Biden:

University of Delaware – B.A. in history and B.A. in political science.
Syracuse University College of Law – Juris Doctor (J.D. )


United States Naval Academy –  Class rank 894 out of 899

& Palin:

University of Hawaii Hilo – Less then 3 weeks (no records to prove she was here)

Hawaii Pacific University – 1 semester
North Idaho College – 2 semesters – general study
University of Idaho – 2 semesters – journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College – 1 semester
University of Idaho – 3 semesters – B.A. in journalism

Tips to Larry Geller

UH Manoa Gets Large NASA Grant to Study the Origins, Evolution, Distribution, and Future of Life in the Universe.

NASA has awarded five-year grants, averaging $7 million each, to 10 research teams from across the country to study the origins, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe

…The University of Hawaii will investigate the origin, history, and distribution of water and its relation to life in the universe…

More Here

Inside Hawaii’s Fight Game to Replace KGMB News on Saturday, Oct. 4th at 10:00 PM

You know that MMA is getting big when they can override the news for a special.

I noticed that there is going to be a one hour special on KGMB about MMA fighting here in Hawaii.

Here is the KGMB Promo for it:

Today’s KO (Disturbing)

Just another day at McDonalds with the kids:

More Newspaper Cuts… Editor Resigns at Idaho Newspaper

Steven A. Smith, editor of The Spokesman-Review, resigned Wednesday as the newspaper announced a new round of job reductions and a reduced format…

…Publisher W. Stacey Cowles said in a news release that the newspaper had suffered the same economic woes that have beset the rest of the industry in recent years. As a result, the paper planned to cut an additional 60 jobs, including 25 in the newsroom…

More Here

Honolulu Magazine on the TMT Proposal

Just noticed that the “Honolulu Magazine” has an article on the TMT project slated for Mauna Kea.  It’s a good read with Richard Ha and  Deborah Ward going to bat on both sides of the issues.

Also noticed that my poll on where the location of the TMT should be is running almost dead even on the subject.

Hilo Hattie to File for Bankruptcy

You know times are tough when Hilo Hatties files for bankruptcy:

The California investors who bought Hawaiian-themed retailer Hilo Hattie last spring said they will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Thursday

The company has no plans to lay off any 256 employees or to close any of its nine stores in Hawaii and on the Mainland…

At least they aren’t laying anyone off…YET ;)

More Here

First 700 Kona Triathletes Can Get Free Hydration Belt From Fuel Belt

The Kona Ironman is scheduled in a couple weeks.

…As a Kona Qualifier, you deserve the best equipment for race day, so we’re offering a FREE 2-Bottle Helium Belt to the first 700 registered Ironman Hawaii competitors. This award winning design has been used all over the world! Just show your official wrist-band to our Fuel Belt staff – while supplies last!…

Where: Lava Java, 75-5799 Alii Dr

When: Wednesday, October 8th and Thursday, October 9th between 10am and 12pm (belts will not be available before or after these times!)

What you need to bring: Show up in person WITH YOUR OFFICIAL REGISTRATION WRISTBAND ON!

More Here

Pahoa and Keauhou on Big Island Makes 2009 TripAdvisor Hotspot for Travel Destination

I can’t believe Pahoa made this list

The top US destinations for next year were identified as:

St. George, Utah; Englewood, Florida; Keauhou, Hawaii;  Mount Pocono,
Pennsylvania; Haines, Alaska;  Bainbridge Island, Washington; New Buffalo,
Michigan;  Pahoa, Hawaii; Gurnee, Illinois and Ruskin, Florida

More Here