Honolulu Magazine on the TMT Proposal

Just noticed that the “Honolulu Magazine” has an article on the TMT project slated for Mauna Kea.  It’s a good read with Richard Ha and  Deborah Ward going to bat on both sides of the issues.

Also noticed that my poll on where the location of the TMT should be is running almost dead even on the subject.

One Response

  1. I fully support the the TMT proposal for Mauna Kea for a number of reasons. Firstly, I strongly feel that if this proposal is rejected we’ll be seeing the decline of astronomy on Mauna Kea. Which will have a profoundly negative impact on Hawaii County’s economy.

    The second reason why I support the TMT to built on Mauna Kea is because we need to diversify our economy away from our dangerous dependence on tourism, construction,real estate and the military. For the most part these industries are extremely cyclical and prone to be affected by outside influences. Thus it is imperative that we start that diversification process now.

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