Mahalo Once Again…600 Posts and 200 Comments Mark!

This post marks both my 600th post on my blog as well as I just got my 200th Comment (not bad… average… one comment per every three posts…I guess I piss more people off then I thought)

Andrew Cooper just  Left the following comment marking my 200th comment on my blog, and I just noticed that I reached 600 Posts!  (Trust me folks… I’m not “Potagee” and I tend to be quiet when I meet most people… until I get to know them well)

Well not including all the stuff the spam filter has caught.

I’m truly amazed that I would interest so many people.

I don’t mean to piss anyone off in the process!

Mahalo to all that have read, made comments, and participated in polls!

To address something Andrew just said in that comment, I responded:

How can I just simply skip the military angle of this…when I’m so Anti-Military

2 Responses

  1. Congrats on your prolific posting. They are to the point and informative. The eclectic content keeps it interesting.

  2. Comments can be the mark of a healthy discussion and a good blog. My thanks for producing a blog worth commenting on.

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