First Thing You Do After Completing the Ironman… Drink a BEER!

Big Island Video News has some great coverage of the recent Ironman that was held this weekend (nice splash page btw).

The video that I liked the best was this guy who just completed probably one of the most grueling then you can ever do to your body… then goes on to drink some beer!

Must see here

The Explosion Yesterday at the Volcano

I haven’t heard too much about this, but yesterday a large plume of ash was sent into the air.  Here is the video:

I know… it happens all the time… but still it is cool when you can see it this close.

Kenoi Cancels PBS Debate

I mentioned earlier that there would be a debate between Kenoi and Pilago on PBS.  It appears something has come up for Kenoi or he is just chickening out. ;)

I just received the following from Jeff at PBS:

I was just told that Bill Kenoi has cancelled his scheduled appearance on the 10/30 Island Insights program. As of right now, Angel Pilago is still scheduled to appear on the program, and viewers can still send in questions, but unless something changes, the format will be more of a question and answer session with Mr. Pilago and Dan Boylan.

For viewers who want to call in, we will be posting the numbers on-screen during the broadcast.

PBS Hawaii

16 Year Old Hilo Football Player to Sign with the University of Hawaii Warriors

Hat tip to Steven Tsai

The Warriors are continuing to look to the future, this time adding offensive tackle Jordan Loeffler of Hilo High. Loeffler, who is 6 feet 5 and 265 pounds, said he will sign his letter of intent in February. Because he is only 16, he has a lot of upside — and a frame to fill out…

Tribune Makes the Same Error I Blogged About Last Week from the Advertiser

I blogged about this Advertiser gaff last week considering the Census jobs.

It looks like the Tribune has the same gaff listed in Today’s Tribune.

Nobody is going to be able to reserve a seat if they keep printing the wrong number.

To reserve a seat for the examination, call 1-886-861-2010

The correct number is: 1-866-861-2010 and then after you call that they switch you to a California Switchboard at 818-717-6700 only to have you leave a message for them to call you back!

I can’t believe two major newspapers can get this correct.  It took me a whole 10 seconds to find the correct number. ;)

Hat Tip to Aaron for emailing me the URL.

An Invitation to a Discussion

Jay Fitzgerald invites us all to a discussion on his blog:

Invitation to a Discussion:

Is striving towards self-sufficiency and self-reliance largely a practical matter, or is it mostly a symbolic act of self-actualization? I mean symbolic in the Jungian “big” sense, such as I did in the past with the usage of the terms sailing and seasteading. . .

It’s clearly both, but I’m more and more leaning towards the latter. If so, it is important that we keep that foremost in our minds.

What do you all think?

You can respond to this blog directly here.

Big Island Farmer Richard Ha in the Starbulletin

Tipping the hat back to the Konablog, I don’t see how I missed this article the other day.

Richard Ha has an excellent article in yesterdays Starbulletin here.

While were on the subject of Richard, don’t forget to mark November 7th and 8th on your calender for the E Malama Aina Festival.

Today’s KO

Don’t Scare Granny in the Crosswalk:

UH Professor Receives Carl Sagan Medal… First Ever for UH

G. Jeffrey Taylor, Planetary Scientist at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, is the 2008 recipient of the Carl Sagan Medal for Excellence in Public Communication in Planetary Science. The prize is named after Carl Sagan (1934-1996), a distinguished planetary scientist who, through public lectures, television, and books, contributed significantly to the public’s understanding of planetary science. The Sagan Medal is awarded by the Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) of the American Astronomical Society to recognize and honor outstanding contributions by active planetary scientists to the public’s understanding of, and enthusiasm for, planetary science. Taylor is the ninth recipient of the Sagan Medal and the first from the University of Hawaii...

More Here