Volcano Couple Talk About Unsolved Thanksgiving Murder of Their Children

Mike and Carol Riley start feeling the weight when the trick-or-treaters disappear with buckets full of Halloween candy. The sadness never evaporates, but it lifts a bit after the last note of the last Christmas carol.

That’s the reality of the holiday season for the Rileys, whose 19-year-old daughter, Kimberly, was killed along with 5-year-old Jeremy Britt Bayinthavong on Thanksgiving night six years ago as a festive party wound down in a South End Tacoma home.

“It’s an emotional time for us,” Riley, now 57, said this week.

Each year, the Rileys have a low-key Thanksgiving at their home in Volcano, Hawaii. They get invitations to come to their friends’ home but they never accept, and instead opt for a quiet meal together…

…Six years later, Tacoma police investigators have made no arrest in the case. They believe the gunman targeted the house, or one of the nearly two dozen people inside…

More Here

Bad Day for Airbus(s)… One Crash, One Malfunction and One Country Postpones

I previously blogged about Hawaiian Airlines getting three new airbusses soon.

Today was a terrible day for “Airbusses”.

1. Two people are confirmed dead in this Airbus 320 crash off New Zealand.

…At least two people were killed Thursday when an Airbus A320 jet owned by Air New Zealand crashed into the Mediterranean Sea with seven crew members aboard on a maintenance flight from Perpignan in southern France, officials said. The other five were still missing Thursday night, French officials said, and search efforts were continuing…

1. In Norway, an Airbus 330 (the same model Hawaiian is scheduled to get) made an emergency landing due to engine failure.

A Scandianvian airline SAS plane bound for Chicago was forced to land in Trondheim, Norway, on Thursday because of an engine problem, the airline said.

The Airbus A330 aircraft from Stockholm was carrying 193 people, a spokesman said…

3. Now news is breaking that China is postponing a large order of Airbusses.

China has postponed talks on finalising a deal with Airbus for 150 passenger planes after Prime Minister Wen Jiabao scrapped his visit to France, a spokesman for the European aircraft maker said Thursday…

I guess I’m starting to have second thoughts on wanting to fly first class one of these buggahs! ;)

Coming Soon to a Fairground Near You… Spam Curds

They sell Deep Fried Spam Curds at the Minnesota State Fair.

Why they haven’t come to Hawaii yet is the big question?

And no… I wouldn’t buy one if they did!


Although they do look just like chicken nuggets:


Turkey Was ONO!

The turkey looked like shit… but it tasted great…  More later!

Today’s KO

Don’t let your guard down:

Nobody Told Me I Was Supposed to Tie the Turkey Legs!


My turkey has been cooking for about 2 hours now… and nobody told me I was suppose to tie the legs with string.  The skin is crawling up the legs leaving some ugly looking bones instead of nice tasty legs!

Also no one told me I was suppose to put extra foil around the wings… so my wings are getting cooked much faster then the rest of the bird…

ARGH!  Oh well learning lessons.

It’s ok if the bird doesn’t look good as long as it’s still edible… Right?

And if I carve it up before anyone really get’s a chance to see what it looked like… then no one will know… right?

Plus, the thermometer thingy already popped and it’s only been about 2 and a half hours!  It’s suppose to go for at least 3 – 4 hours!

I hope this Turkey isn’t a total disaster!

Good thing other people are bringing food too!

Hope everyone elses Thanksgiving is going a bit better then mine!