Reader Submissions

Some people would love to write an article or blog, however, they just don’t have time to write a full on blog all the time.  Others would love to just write that one article every now and then.  Here is your chance to do that!

Tiffany Edwards over at The Big Island Chronicle has recently started accepting submissions for various things on her blog.

I think that’s a great idea, so I’m going to open up a section for reader submissions as well… Of course I will have the final say on whether something get’s posted or not.

I’ll accept most anything… and it won’t even cost you a Damon Dollar.

The process for submitting is to send your “Article, Column, Picture, Event Flier, etc”  to

I will take that information and form a blog about it by pretty much cutting and pasting the information.  (If it has a picture or two that’s cool too… just as long as I know where to put it in the article… You will have to send those as attachments)

I will then link post that blog link to the “Reader Submissions” tab at the top of this site.  I will tag each “Submission” with the Submitters name so that anytime later it will also easily be found.

If it’s an event, I will most likely erase the event after the event has taken place unless comments have been generated underneath it.

I’ve started it out with a submission from the past by cartoonist/artist and all around good guy,  Greg Henkel.  He drew a  few years ago, however, it fit to a blog I posted earlier and he was kind enough to send it in.  He used to send in all kinds of cartoons to Hunter Bishops blog, however those are no longer available.

You can view the new “Readers Submissions” and know that this can be considered the “Community” part of my blog.

Questions… Feel free to ask!

Sanitary Sewer Smoke Testing Happening Next Week

Media Release



Dates of testing: February 11, 12 & 13, 2009
Location: Pauka`a Area – Kulana Street and Kulana Road

The County of Hawai`i, Department of Environmental, Wastewater Division (WWD) crew will be conducting a survey of the sanitary sewer system by conducting smoke testing of the sewer system. The survey will involve opening manholes on Kulana Road and Kulana Street in the Pauka`a area on February 11, 12 & 13, 2009.



  • Simulated non-toxic smoke will be injected into the sewer system in order that the WWD can assess the integrity of the system. As a result smoke may be seen coming from manhole covers, storm drains, roof vents and building foundations.
  • After each setup the smoke test will last approximately 1 hour.
  • Photographs will be taken to document potential leaks/defects.
  • Homeowners do not need to be home and inspection crews will not need to enter your home; however access onto your property may be required.
  • Residential/Homeowners can still use faucets and bathroom facilities during smoke testing.


Tips to prevent smoke from entering your home (complete prior to test):

  • Run water faucets for a few seconds in unused sinks, tubs, and drains to fill fixture traps.
  • Pour water into each basement floor drain (at least one gallon)
  • If you have defective plumbing (i.e. no trap, etc), you should consult with a licensed plumber.

If you notice smoke in your home or structure:

  • Do NOT become alarmed.
  • Open doors and windows to ventilate the premises to clear smoke.
  • Contact the Wastewater Division’s field crew to help access the situation.
  • Simulated smoke will not stain walls or furniture; nor will it leave a residue.
  • Consult a licensed plumber in the near future to identify the smoke access area, as the potential exists for sewer gases to enter your home in the same manner.

Safety/Health Issues:

  • There is NO danger of fire or explosion of sewer gas with the smoke testing process.
  • Simulated smoke is not harmful to your health. Smoke irritation is temporary and should disappear after exposure has ceased. When possible avoid unnecessary exposure to simulated smoke.
  • If there is an individual in your home or business who has respiratory problems and/or mobility limitations please contact the Wastewater Division at (808)961-8512, before January 23, 2009.
  • A copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the simulated smoke can be found on the County of Hawai`i website page ( under the heading Departments-Department of Environmental Management/Wastewater Division.  Copies are also available at our Hilo office (108 Railroad Avenue).

If you have any questions or observe smoke near your home or structure during the testing please call Toni Nakatani at 808-937-5199.

You may see something like this:


Councilwoman Naeole’s Testimony on Vog Bill

I received an email copy of the Testimony that Councilwoman Naeole sent in to the Legislature regarding HB312.

Vog; Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring
Directs the Department of Defense to develop and implement a program to ensure that an adequate number of monitors to detect sulfur dioxide are strategically placed throughout areas of the state where high incidences of vog, sulfur dioxide, or both occur.


February 7, 2009

Council Member Emily Naeole District 5 Puna


I have before me, House Bills 312-318 relating to vog and sulphur dioxide that covers highway guardrail replacement, workers safety and compensation and agrarian concerns but is shockingly silent on resident safety, aid and compensation.

Where is the legislation to bring aid and relief to the people of Puna?  Residents on coastal Red Road, the Kalapana-Kapoho Road are closest of all communities to the ocean plumes. During Kona, interchangeable winds, or no-wind conditions, the vog can be intolerable during higher emission periods. also it has been noted that the vog has a tendency to linger in corridors of Highway 130 near the Maku’u Hawaiian Homestead. One can see and smell it.

To make matters worse, on Sunday, 2/01/09, the Hawaii Herald-Tribune, published the latest report from the Hawai’i volcanic Observatory, (HVO), informing us that another deadly ingredient has been added to the vog: Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), a broad spectrum poison that can poison several different systems in the body, although the nervous system is most affected. The toxicity of H2S is comparable with that of hydrogen cyanide.

In order for this act to be complete I believe that the monitors should monitor H2s emissions too.

We have had a very rough time in the Kehena area in December and January. Everyone I know in Seaview is suffering ill effects of one degree or another. We have had two deaths and much illness in this small neighborhood in the first two months of this year.

According to the Pahoa Fire Chief all procedures come through Civil Defense. At this time the fire station in Pahoa uses the SO2 monitoring device only when “it looks” voggy at the fire station. The fire chief then, and only then, sends out someone to take SO2 readings at C.D. authorized sites. Everyone knows looks can be deceiving when we are talking about poisons in parts per million terms. It should not be left to people at the fire station to guesstimate for an entire district.

This is totally unacceptable. Sometimes the vog is thick in Pahoa but it is very light in the Kehena area, and visa-a-versa. At this time of heavy volcanic emissions, SO2 readings should be taken several times a day in all locations.

Nowhere in Puna Makai is there any place to evacuate to. Emergency shelters can be created quickly by converting designated schools and community center areas to airtight rooms with vinyl velcro windows and portable air filter and air conditioning machines.
Funding is available through FEMA and Homeland Security Grant programs.

The cocoanut wireless is saying that Hawaii is the next Katrina. Is this life threatening situation being allowed to escalate in order to create enough panic to justify the evacuation of the whole island that will then could be turned over to the military/industrial complex? I ask you to consider this testimony when discussing the solution to this problem and very important Act.

I ask that the Legislature take serious thought to include Lower Puna in all of these bills.

Lau lima,
Emily I. Naeole


Tonight: UH Hilo International Night

One of my favorite events that I attended at UH Hilo when I was living on campus, was the student run International Night.

2008 Opening - Photographer <a href=When I was attending the festival only happened on one night.  Now it has gotten so big that it covers two nights.

Samoa Club - Photographer <a href=

Tonight is 1 of 2 nights that will be filled with entertaining acts from throughout the world that the students put on themselves.

Philippines - Photographer <a href=I know that UH Hilo has a very  diverse student population with students from throughout the world so it really makes for a great evening of entertainment as well as education.

Native American - Photographer <a href=“…The countries or cultures to be represented will include Hawai`i, Ireland, Pohnpei, Native America, Palau, Okinawa, USA, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Brazil, Timor Leste, Japan, Philippines, and Chuuk…

South Korea - Photographer <a href=…International Nights 2009 is co-sponsored by UHHSA and Rotary Club of Hilo Bay. For more information about this event please contact the International Student Office at 974-7313…

Kosrae - Photographer <a href=…Tickets are priced as follows: $8 for general admission, $5 for seniors, $3 for students (schools and colleges) and children. For tickets, please contact the PAC box office at 974-7310.”

Japan - Photographer <a href=Personally, I think this event is probably the best event that UH Hilo puts on each year.

Marshall Islands - Photographer <a href=If you can’t make it to both nights, at least try to get to one of them.

You can see the UH Hilo Calendar here for more information on this as well as other upcoming events..

Mid-East and Ireland

Photographer James Rubio took these pictures that I lifted from UH’s Site. You can view his blog of the 2008 event here.

Here is a youtube clip from last years performance:

The Hilo, Hawaii Goju Ryu Karate Club performing the kata Saifa followed by Saifa bunkai for the 2008 U of Hawaii International Night.

Yes this is NOT the traditional bunkai, its performance bunkai. A little more flashy, music, and a couple moves from the kata are done twice with different applications. Remember, bunkai is just one interpretation of the kata. One motion in the kata can represent multiple techniques. The bunkai you practice may be different than ours.