Twitter Goes Retro… Me about 30 years ago!

I jumped onto Twitter tonight and it seemed like half the people I was following had put up pictures of them when they were a kid.  I don’t know what the occasion is… but I figured I’d join in the fun.

Well I already had a picture of my kid up there and he’s basically a mini version of me.

But to play fairly… I went ahead and posted my picture from when I was in about 1st or 2nd grade. I can’t remember just when exactly this was taken:


Honestly… I didn’t have a skin disease… the picture is just really old.

Unaccredited University Linked to “Diploma Mill” – American Pacific University to Build Kona Campus?

I blogged about American Pacific University and how the President of the University Matthew James brings in more then $3 Million a Year and the University also being linked to Diploma Mills here

Matt James

Matt James

Now it looks like the same cat is moving his little scheme to Kona and our own planning commission has accepted it with conditions.

Special Permit to allow the construction of an administrative office building to operate a distance learning center for the American Pacific University on approximately 0.195 acre of land in the State Land Use Agricultural District. The property is located along the northeast side of Kuakini Highway, directly across from Kona Sea Villas, Kahului 1st,
North Kona, Hawaii
, TMK: 7-5-17: portion of 2.


FEBRUARY 19, 2009


H-130 Contraflow Resolution Ammended to Draft and Adopted

I’ve been a bit busy trying to keep up with the council meetings, but from what I just read, at the Council Meeting yesterday, it looks like they have approved a resolution to try and get H130 Contra-flowed during peak hours.

Res 768-088

Urges the Department of Transportation to Create a Reversible or Counterflow Lane During Peak Commute Hours on Highway 130 at the Bottleneck Near Keaau High School {A reversible lane is used to route traffic in one direction during the morning rush hour the opposite direction in the afternoon or evening and as a turning lane at most other times.}


AYES: Council Members Enriques, Ford, Greenwell, Hoffmann, Ikeda, Naeole, Onishi, Yagong and Chair Yoshimoto.
NOES: None

Just because the county has adopted this resolution, my understanding is that it still has to be approved by the State.

From what I have heard at the H-130 Meetings that I have participated in, the State doesn’t seem to be too interested in Contra flowing H130 at this time.

I hope they will change their mind as obviously our own Council thinks it’s worthy of a try.

RIP Bob Sevey the “Walter Cronkite of Hawaii Television”

Longtime Hawaii television anchorman Bob Sevey died Friday afternoon after a long battle with lung cancer.

Sevey, described as the “Walter Cronkite of Hawaii Television,” passed away at his home in Washington State. He was 81….

More here

KGMB9 Year Ender Spot for 2009. Showcases KGMB9 News Legends, such as Bob Sevey, Leslie Wilcox, Bob Jones, Jade Moon and Kim Gennaula who just recently retired. Previews KGMB9’s Stacy Loe and Keahi Tucker to Anchor desk.

Leslie Wilcox blogged about Bob a few months ago in this post entitled, Bob Sevey Returns to Hawaii for a KGMB Oldtimers Reunion.

Bob Sevey from Leslie Wilcox's Blog

Bob Sevey from Leslie Wilcox's Blog

…And so the other night Bob Sevey walked with Ann (and a cane) into a Kailua house crammed with people he’d hired, people who’d taken pride in working for him and who remain full of aloha for him. Others had also racked up mileage in attending the party…

Rest In Peace Mr. Sevey. Heaven just became a little bit better.

Last Week of Japanese Washi Paper, Gouache and Sumi Art at East Hawaii Cultural Center in Hilo


Japanese Washi and Gouache or Sumi Artist presents Eastward Wind at the Hawaii Museum of Contemporary Arts/EHCC. Exhibition on display between February 6th – 26th. East Hawaii Cultural Center, 141 Kalakaua Street, Hilo

Shigeno Sawada:

Working With Special Kids… Everyone Should Do It

Part of my new job, is that I’m rotating between many different classes and subject matters. I’ve gone from some of the things that are easy for me like Language Arts and Literature, since I have a little background in writing although you wouldn’t know it by reading my blog, to subjects that I never in my lifetime thought I would be teaching like MATH!

Anyone that knows me, knows I suck at math and really basically FEAR it. I mean I can do the basics and what not, but when we start getting into the complex stuff… I’d just much rather stare out a window or something.

On occasion, they will have me substitute during a class period for “Special Kids” where I literally will monitor a child that needs a little more attention and I basically keep them on focus and give them a little more help understanding what the teacher is trying to explain to the rest of the kids.

The other day, my supervisor told me I needed to report to the “Band Room” where I would be assisting a “Special Needs” student with “Band Practice”. Anyone that knows me, knows that I also have no musical ability whatsoever and I doubt I could even play the friggin triangle if I wanted too.

I was dreading this class thinking that I was going to have to help this “special child” learn how to play an instrument. Man oh mighty, I was so pleasantly surprised by this child that they not only knew how to play their instrument, they new how to play it pretty good for the age of the student. This student even knew how to clean their instrument as well as tune it. I didn’t have to do a thing during the entire class. It was so enjoyable! I literally sat their and listened to the kids play music for an entire period. It was like listening to a symphony or anything great and most of the time, the kids were off on their playing… but it was so enjoyable.

Today, I also got the privilege to work with an Autistic child for about a half an hour. This child although he has the body of about a 13 – 16 year old, he is literally about the age of a 2-3 year old because of his Autism. This boy was so much fun to work with as I chased him around the school on his “GIANT TRIKE” that I just had a blast trying to teach him just the littlest things like GO and STOP… Things like Left and Right didn’t comprehend to him… but things like… Grass and Rain and other things did. While I understand that he probably didn’t understand much of what I was trying to say to him, I do feel that the little bit of talking I did with him … made his day… which in turn made my day.

Working with the special children is almost as fun as working with the other children. At least most of the Special Children don’t attempt to smart off on purpose!!!

TONIGHT: Vagina Monologues

As part of the 2009 V-Day College Campaign, the Women’s Center at the University of Hawaii at Hilo presents a benefit production of Eve Ensler’s “The Vagina Monologues” to raise awareness and funds for organizations working to end violence against women and girls.


The benefit is 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20 in the UH-Hilo Performing Arts Center.

This year’s spotlight is on the women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Part of the money raised will go toward the “Stop Raping our Greatest Resource: Power to Women in the DRC” campaign, a new global call of attention to the violence committed against women and girls in the DRC…

…Tickets are available at the UH-Hilo Women’s Center, CD Wizard, the UH-Hilo Performing Arts Center Box Office, and Basically Books. Ticket are $12 for adults and $7 for students/seniors…

More info here

Impact of Immigration on Hawaii: Past, Present and Future… Video

“Views from the Shore” – Statehood Hawaii sponsored panel presentation on discussion on impact of immigration in Hawaii.

Pohoiki Boat Ramp Construction: The Video

Looks like Big Island Weekly is posting their videos to youtube for public access now.

Workers construct a new boat ramp at Pohoiki to rid the island of the old dangerous ramp on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Senator Dan Inouye Introduces Legislation to Designate a Heritage Area

Senator Daniel Inouye introduced legislation in the U.S. Congress to designate the Hawaii Capitol National Heritage Area for the Honolulu/Kapalama ahupua’s which covers Kaka’ako, Downtown, Nuuanu, and Kapalama. The Senate Bill 359 was co-sponsored by Senator Daniel Akaka. Representatives Corinne Ching and Cindy Evans gives closing remarks.

Representative Cynthia Thielen Speaks With MADD Executive Director and Chairman… Video

Pt. 1
Representative Cynthia Thielen speaks with Arkie Koehl, Chairman and Public Policy; abd Leah Marx Executive Director

Pt. 2
Representative Cynthia Thielen speaks with Madd Chairman and Public Policy Director Arkie Koehl; and Leah Marx Executive Director

Pt. 3
Representative Cynthia Thielen speaks with Arkie Koehl, Chairman and Public Policy; abd Leah Marx Executive Director

Can be seen here

Man Shocked to Death on Kapiolani Blvd.

I used to live just a block away from the location of this incident and would often walk this route with my child, so this news is kind of “shocking” to me if you will.

…Wires touching the metal cover of an electrical junction box appear to be the source of an electrocution that killed a man last night — that’s according to sources in the city.

The victim has been identified as 42-year-old Michael Perron, Jr.

The incident happened last night while Perron was walking on Kapiolani Boulevard.

Honolulu Police and city emergency crews were called to the corner of Kapiolani Boulevard and University Avenue just after 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday.

A witness told police the victim was standing on a metal cover of an electrical junction box while touching a steel light pole when he collapsed.

“They were attempting to catch the bus — his friend — who was in his mid-40’s collapsed on the sidewalk when he tried to tend to him he was shocked,” said Lt. Calvin Tong of the Honolulu Police Department…”

More Here

Pali Witness: Former UH Hilo Student Body President Motta Was Holding Gun When He Got Shot

Maumalanga, 35, testified yesterday in federal court in the murder trial of Rodney Joseph Jr. and Ethan “Malu” Motta. Joseph and Motta are also on trial for conspiring to operate and operating an illegal gambling business and racketeering that involved assault with a dangerous weapon, extortion and robbery.


Ethan "Malu" Motta

Maumalanga said the man holding the gun was Motta. He said Sao went up to Motta to shake Motta’s hand, “and that’s when he got popped. He got shot…”

More here