Pohoiki Boat Ramp Construction: The Video

Looks like Big Island Weekly is posting their videos to youtube for public access now.

Workers construct a new boat ramp at Pohoiki to rid the island of the old dangerous ramp on the Big Island of Hawaii.

3 Responses

  1. Interesting, comment. You both still watched the video and posted it to your blog. Artistic and news? I guess you bloggers will never know the difference.

    • Hey Isaac… good to see you dropping by here.

      Tell Felicia I said aloha!

      Thanks for at least calling me a “Blogger” instead of a damn journalist or reporter!

  2. Damon,
    Thanks for the link to the video. Unfortunately, as a scientist I am used to a nice linear presentation that keeps things in context. This video jumps around and I hardly know anything more about the work than before. From that viewpoint the video is a piece of crap.
    I have no idea of its artistic merits.

    Damon – Well that’s what you get from a Stevens Media Entity ;)

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