Gary Safarik to Run for District 5 Office Again?

Gary Safarik's Old County Council Picture

Tom Lackey seems to have heard something over at The Coconut Wireless aka The Lack.

However, looking at Gary Safarik’s website, he hasn’t made any official announcement as of yet.

Funny Friday – Desperate Student Seeks Entry to UH

Saw this clip on Youtube this morning and I just had to laugh:

Part of my application for international exchange. In case you couldn’t tell, I desperately want to go to Hawaii but I don’t think I meet the minimum GPA requirement. So if the ISS department of UHM happens to see this – would you please consider taking me in Fall 2010 regardless?

Music: “I’ve Got a Plane to Catch” by Michael Giacchino for the hit TV show ‘Lost’ (filmed in Hawaii!!)