Dear President Obama, While You Are in Hawaii…

Dear President Obama,

I’m glad that you are able to take some time off from work and return home to Hawaii for your Christmas vacation.

I know that you have  a full slate of things that you probably want to do with your family while you are on Oahu, however, can I suggest that why you are in Hawaii, you come visit the Big Island of Hawaii for a few days?

We have so much more to do on the Big Island then you can do over on Oahu.   After all… we are The Big Island.

You could show your Ohana Madame Pele up and close on a Lava Boat Cruise along the coast.

You could also visit many different climates all in one day.

And I bet your kids would love to go zip lining!

I know that you know this already, but we also have some of the most beautiful valleys and scenic hikes in the world as well!

Well, whatever you do decide to do while you are here on vacation, please take this time to enjoy your time off in the islands… and we are all proud that you are vacationing here in Hawaii… even if it’s not the Big Island.

Maybe I will get a chance to see you somewhere over on Oahu when I come up for a visit pretty soon… NOW THAT WOULD BE COOL!

4 Responses

  1. This hasn’t been confirmed yet, but apparently Air Force One(?) was just spotted at Hilo airport (ITO). Maybe Obama took your advice Damon!

  2. Damon — such a great and necessary inquiry. Me and a few colleagues are wondering — has Obama ever been to Hawaii Island? Maybe a Punahou basketball tournament back in the day? Would be nice to know…

  3. I agree. There are a couple places where he could vacation here on the Big I.

    I would suggest to Billy K. , that he put together a vacation package for next Xmas and send it to the Obama family.


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