Statement From UH President M.R.C. Greenwood

UH News Release:
This afternoon, Dr. J.N. Musto and I had a cordial one-hour discussion about the possibility of resolving the impasse in contract talks.
Dr. Musto requested that we resume negotiations as soon as possible with the federal mediator appointed by the Hawaii Labor Relations Board, Carol Catanzariti.
I have agreed to participate in the next mediation session, because I feel strongly that we can reach a settlement without litigation. But I have also made it clear that the agreement we hopefully reach with the mediator’s help recognizes the financial situation of the university.
I remain hopeful that together, we can work out a reasonable and acceptable solution to our financial difficulties.
I thank Dr. Musto for accepting my offer to meet again, and I look forward to a productive mediation session.

Untold Story of Tragic Mauka Forest Fires by Charles Flaherty

The following was submitted by Big Island Resident Charles Flaherty:

“Aloha e,

The media continues to mistakenly refer to the recent and on-going noxious mauka fires as brush fires.  They are not…these fires are occurring within native forests filled with numerous endangered and threatened plant and animal species.

Topping it all off was Sunday’s incredibly insensitive “Fire Sale” ad in West Hawai’i Today complete with a photo of the still smoking forest that is choking thousands of residents each night (see attached).

I have attached the state Board of Land and Natural Resource’s “Approval in Principle for Acquisition of Perpetual Conservation Easement” for the mauka 9,000 acres of the 11,570 acre Kealakekua Ranch.  The United States Congress provided the agency with $2,000,000 to purchase 4,000 acres with another installment of $2 million due to purchase the remaining 5,000 acres.

Click to Enlarge

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Click to Enlarge

The area that is burning “contains many different forest types, including mixed open forest, closed ‘ohi’a lehua rainforest, open koa forest with mamane, and open koa forest.  This forest mosaic supports a wide variety of federally listed threatended and endangered plant and animal species.

The document goes on to describe the “Need for Acquisition…Due to agricultural zoning, forest in Kona are threatened by conversion to non-forest uses.  Sales for development would result in drastic changes to the area’s rare habitat and important watershed needs.  Since its recent purchase of the property, Seller [the Pace family] has received multiple offers to purchase for the purpose of completing the existing development entitlements.  In addition to development concerns, Kona’s forests are threatened by the spread of invasive non-native plants and feral ungulates, all of which increase wildfire susceptibility and decrease natural forest regeneration.

The acquisition will insure preservation of the forested areas of the property through an on-going management plan by Kealakekua Heritage Ranch LLC, as required by the conservation easement.  The management plan shall be implemented by Kealakekua Heritage Ranch LLC with oversight by the Division of Forestry and Wildlife.”

Has anyone seen or heard from the state DNLR’s Division of Forestry and Wildlife in this sad state of affairs?”

Charles Flaherty,

Big Island of Hawaii

Missing Girl Reported Yesterday Has Been Found

The Hawai’i Police Department has located 19-year-old Britney Dawson, who was reported missing. She was found at 1:50 p.m. Wednesday (January 6) in Puna and in good health.

Monday – Talk Story with Governor Candidate Neil Abercrombie

Media Release:

On Monday, January 11, from 3:00 – 4:30pm, at Yano Hall in Captain Cook, Neil Abercrombie will come to Kona to talk story with folks regarding Hawaii Agricultural and Rural issues.

Four people have been invited to brief Neil on important topics;

Guy Kaulukukui – County Agricultural Plan
Garnett Puett – Bees
Bruce Corker – Kona Coffee
Nancy Redfeather – School Gardens

Audience questions will be collected, responded to at the gathering if there is time, and otherwise responded to via email.

While there is no RSVP, (this is an “open door” event), it is suggested that you arrive early due to anticipated turn out.  Come listen to, and have your voice heard by, this Hawaii candidate for Governor!

“Hi Fellow Smoke Inhalers” – A Letter From a Smoked Out Kona Resident

Aerial view of the Kealakekua Ranch fire

The County of Hawaii is not putting out the South Kona fires. As of 8am this morning they didn’t even have any fire fighters on the scene. Please call your officials and ask, plead, or demand as your mood dictates that these fires not only be contained but also be put out. This experiment in our health needs to come to an end.

The county is pleading that there is a lack of resources so if you have time for more than one phone call, include the state in your efforts to get some attention for South Kona.

I talked to Civil Defense and to the Mayor’s office this morning, and their phone numbers are 935-0031 and 961-8211, respectively. Let us see if we can’t make as much noise as the fireworks did on New Year’s Eve.

Aloha, Emily Burt

*UPDATE* Unruly Passenger Forces Maui-bound Hawaiian Airlines Jet to Turn Around, Fighter Jets Scrambled

Unruly passenger forces Maui-bound Hawaiian Airlines jet to turn around, return to Portland, Ore.; fighter jets briefly scrambled – KGW-TV

From Breaking News Network

Did I mention I Fly go! Mokulele?


A Hawaiian Airlines flight has been diverted to Portland International Airport after a security concern on the plane. The plane landed safely and Port of Portland police are now investigating.

Two F-15 jets were sent to intercept the plane at about 1:30 PM according to Oregon Air National Guard…

More Here: Hawaii News Now

2009 Year in Review

Well it seems everyone did their year in reviews except for me.

First off, I’d like to thank all the readers that have visited this blog and secondly, I’d also like to thank my sponsors as well as my family for supporting me through this venture.

The following are the page visits to my my blog so far.  The second line represents the year 2009 and the total amount of page visits was 378,583.  Of course you can always follow the total amount of page visits on the bottom left of this site.

The month of February is highlighted because that’s the month I had the most page visits.

This number really surprises me as the person that I feel writes the best blog in Hawaii, Ian Lind, reported that he received more then 355,000 visits.

I’m not gonna go back and post what blog posts I think were my best ones or most read or commented on.  My archives are open to the public, just as they always will be… unlike some local newspapers!

I look forward to blogging more in 2010 in the same process updating From Big Island Blogs ( into a much better site that will require less maintenance from me and the ability to add a few more bloggers to the site in the new year.

Speechless Wednesday – Please Don’t Let This Be the Last Shot of Me!

Wordless Wednesday – Welcome to the Jungle