Butterflies… In the Stomach

Well I’m packed…

But I feel like I’m forgetting something… so goes it huh? I hate that feeling when you think you are completely packed and ready to go… but still nervous about forgetting something!

Butterflies in the stomach?

County Council District 5 Race: A Poll

If the elections were held today for the County Council District 5 race, who would you vote for? *update* (I believe the results are only getting updated about once an hour)

The Calm Before the Storm

I’m slowly getting myself ready for the next week on Oahu… and I’m already thinking about things that need to be done when I get home.

As some of you may have read or heard, I was chosen as a Field Operations Supervisor for the 2010 Census so for the next few months I’m gonna be quite busy.

I’m not sure what my job details are at this point but I sure hope I’m not having to knock on doors again! I mean I will do it if I have to… but dang I’m telling you there are some scary properties and some even more scary dogs on this island.

I’m pretty much packed and ready… just need take care of the bathroom supplies after I shower tomorrow.

I’ll miss my Ohana for a week, but I look forward to making history in 2010 and hopefully we can get all the people accounted for on this island so that we can get the Federal money that is so needed here.