Commentary: Teen, Drug & Human Trafficking Concerns in Hilo

Commentary submitted on behalf of Brenda Olcott, mother of the child that I reported missing on my blog two days before police put out a missing child report, but removed after she was found:

Aloha Mayor Kenoi and Ms. Shigemura,

As Mayor Kenoi requested in an informal conversation with me, I would like to arrange a meeting with him to discuss my experiences surrounding my daughter’s abduction in November and to share lessons learned so that another child and family can be spared this tragic life changing event.  Thank you for your help raising awareness about human trafficking and youth drug abuse by arranging for this conversation.  I hope that this email will help provide background for why this conversation is so important.

Five years ago when my father became pastor of Church of the Holy Cross, we chose to call Hilo our home because I wanted my daughter to grow up in a nurturing community. I went to work for Hospice of Hilo and became active in the community, giving back through volunteer work with the YWCA and Hilo Jaycees.  Representing the YWCA, I have repeatedly advocated on Capitol Hill for VOCA and helped to secure appropriations for the YWCA sex assault services in Hawaii.  Aware of the many issues facing our youth and families, I worked with United Way to begin dialogue between the Boys & Girls Club, YMCA and YWCA to identify ways these organizations can effectively work together in developing youth programs.  I care a great deal about our community.

*****, my 15 year old daughter, also dove into community activities.  In addition to volunteering with me at the YWCA and with Jaycees, she played soccer, danced, and volunteered at Imiloa.  This past fall she enthusiastically started 9th grade at Hilo High School.  A good student, she was quickly befriended by a group that had more than friendship in mind.  We have since learned that one of the “friends” she made is actually a scout for an active drug and prostitution ring.  We have learned that (she) was recruited, introduced to meth, taken away at night while we slept and returned before we woke up, until the night she wasn’t returned.

Following hundreds of leads, she was found 3 days later through a grassroots community effort.  The night she came home was the first time we had seen her high.  She thinks she was gone a few hours.  During the search we learned that there were rumored plans to take her off island and sell her into prostitution.  At 48 hours missing, friends hoping she would be alive began to look for her body. In the three days her appearance was transformed, her hair was cut and colored, her clothes discarded and replaced, and she lost 10 pounds.  She returned to us addicted to over 15 different drugs.  She was offered money for sex and her organs.  Her one call home she was told to keep short so that it would not be traced.  Healing is now a very long journey.  She is now in an 18 month program which is focusing on trauma recovery, helping her find sobriety and to cope with the experience of multiple rapes and violence.  The drug addiction she battles most now is “4-MMC” which kept her functional and numb.  This drug, created in Israel in 2007 and now banned in many countries, is being produced on our island.  It’s my understanding that the plan is to sell this synthetic meth-cocaine compound from our community to the world.

During the experience I was told by police officers that runaways are “unofficially the lowest priority” because it is such a chronic issue.  We were told no action would really be taken for 30 days.  This message was reiterated by community members and other families who had experienced the same response by police.  It is definitely a chronic issue (2008 HPD numbers attached). It is one that can be addressed.  We have had an extensive interview with Captain Medeiros at HPD to share our experience.  Addressed effectively, treating disappearances as a “high priority” would send a message of deterrence to both youth and perpetrators.   In this, case, it would have sent a message to the perpetrators that you cannot just take a child.  I understand that the official policy is to treat runaways as a high priority, to question circumstances.  It is a policy that needs to be practice.  Days after she was returned, a 14 year old girl disappeared under eerily similar circumstances.  It took 3 weeks to find her.

When an arrest was made in (My Daughters) case, the only charge was “custodial interference.”  Although we had passed on all information learned during the search, there was very little follow up.  The woman pleaded “no contest” and was sentenced to one year probation and 60 days with credit for 16 days served and 44 days stayed.  She was fined $130 ($55 to the Crime Victim Compensation Fund and $75 probation fee).  (My Daughters) recovery is a lifetime.   Rehabilitation will cost about $140,000.  We requested a temporary restraining order while She was missing, it was denied and we were never notified.  I only learned of the sentencing when I initiated a call to the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney to inquire what was happening with our case.  It was a week after the sentencing took place and she had been released, we had received no notification of any kind.

During the course of recovering my missing daughter, we learned that there are weekly meth “parties” in the greater Hilo area.

There are opportunities to learn from this nightmare that can save other families.  It begins with awareness and dialogue.

Thank you for the opportunity to help our community become more responsive and not so conducive to the actions which have torn our family apart.  I look forward to meeting with you soon so that we can further discuss how these concerns might be addressed in our community.



13 Responses

  1. During our eighteen years in what we felt for the most part was truly paradise, there was always this one dark streak running through the fabric of “Island life.” When we first moved there, there was a highly-publicized abduction/rape/murder of a young girl. The over-the-top, years-long publicity was hoped to create some awareness and maybe even a shift in attitude from the police community.

    Never happened. That one dark streak was the continuing events of domestic violence and sexual abuse and even drug sales that were routinely overlooked by the police community to the point where one feels that they consider it normal and that we should just get over it.

    We lived across the street from a high-profile Puna drug dealer for a few years. We reported the goings on there and the Chief of Police called us in for a “conference” which turned out to be nothing more than him telling us how much he disapproved of people writing letters to the editor about how the PD pays no attention to certain drug dealers. We had our “Community Police Officer” in attendance at one of our Neighborhood Watch meetings once. The meeting was on our lanai which overlooked the dealer’s home across the street. During the meeting, several “customers” entered and left the house, some conspicuously carrying their small packages. When I pointed this out to our Officer (who was obviously trying not to notice), he simply shrugged as if to say, hey, I can’t do anything about it.

    As with most issues like these, in the big picture, they are rare enough that it seems they are easy to ignore by the vast majority of us who are personally unaffected. The difference here is in the heinous, horrible nature of the events that should never, ever, be tolerated by any society or culture, especially one that considers itself “paradise.”

    Making the change in police protocol to bring these issues to first priority would certainly be a good start. What else could be more important? Perpetrators feel invincible when they know that the police won’t even begin to pay attention for 30 days.

    Of course, it needs way more attention than from the police. The courts need to take a different view here, too. I’ve talked to police officers about why they look the other way in so many crime events and they’ve told me, “Why should we go to all the trouble to bust somebody when the courts will just turn them loose again?”

    I encourage ANYONE who has the inclination to do so to make as much noise as possible about this issue. Bring it to the attention of all of your politicians. All of them because maybe that way you’ll find one or two who don’t also feel that it is normal.

  2. Also I’m really sorry to hear about your daughter I hope she makes a full recovery!

  3. There is no underground organ trade in the rave scene trust me, I know. It really is a shame you daughter had to abuse those drugs. She is defiantly to young to try those sort of things in moderation. There is no organized crime group dedicated to abducting little girls (at least not the drug – rave people.) I think your daughter is a liar, also I can %100 assure you there are NO raves at kahenna beach! (LOL) Just a bunch of naked pot smoking hippies. And I also tell you although I’m sure some people do smoke meth at rave it is HIGHLY discouraged by the main crowd.

    The electronic music seen is mostly of people who us just there to enjoy the music an dance, Yes, some of them use drugs but the majority of them do drugs on a recreational basis.

    Mostly using drugs like MDMA, mushrooms, or LSD. Most people do not find these drugs very addicting.

    I hope you read this and consider for a second what I am saying, I speak the truth and have absolutely no reason to lie!

    I just hate hearing this rubbish in the news it’s totally blown the entire thing out of per-portion. And it makes a bunch of response-able adults look like evil monsters!

    I think people should know the truth!!!!

  4. A very sad, and scary story here. Thank you for sharing and a miracle that your daughter was able to get out alive. What a horror it must have been, and probably still is.

    so many “cockroaches” embedded in Hawaii. I am sure they are everywhere else too, but just seems so shocking to discover in “paradise”.

  5. Thank you for your letter Brenda, and Damon for posting it. I have lived in Hawaii my whole life and have always been amazed at how low-priority sexual abuse is. Nearly all of my close female friends in public high school had been raped or sexually molested. Three out of four sisters had been raped by their family member in their living room.
    I was raped as a toddler then molested four more times as a youth. I didn’t have anyone to tell because my family didn’t do anything. I thought no one cared. I had a violent Step-father who abused me for over a decade. I showed every sign of trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder yet not one parent, teacher, counselor or adult talked to me or asked what was going on.
    Twice a family member set up and watched my molestation then laughed about it afterwards.
    Historically in Hawaii, it is acceptable for older men to date teenagers. Throughout high school, there were 15-up girls that were dating grown men.
    From personal experience, this kind of abuse causes depression, PTSD, drug abuse, other abusive relationships, lack of trust, homelessness, apathy and so many chronic problems it’s amazing. Some people recover, some sort of recover and the others die with needles in their arms or from a boyfriend bashing their head in.
    Most of the people in jail are from drugs, yet most of the people who are drug addicts are those that have childhood trauma. The government is punishing those individuals instead of treating them.

  6. Brenda, I am so sorry that your child fell victim to drugs and sex trafficking. The State of Hawaii and especially the County of Hawaii not only puts a low priority on runaways, they put a low priority on sex crimes and sex trafficking.

    As even seen from our streets and homes, “johns” and pimps serve little or no time for their crimes….crimes that go beyond physical abuse and sexual abuse…in to psychological and drugs… There are those in law “enforcement” who simply don’t care and don’t enforce anything. Sad…

  7. Brenda,

    Thank you for your courage in telling your family’s story.
    Know that other people here care.

    Please, if you are able, continue to be vocal.

    This is truly where the problem lies:
    “…told by police officers that runaways are “unofficially the lowest priority” …”

    One place to lodge your story with the above quote is with the Hawaii County Police Commission. They must be denied the ability to ignore this situation.

  8. What is the name of the person arrested and sentenced? It should be public record.

    • was this in the news? who is this kid from hilo high, was he investigated. i hope so. i think we need more details about these people. i know they are out there and sometimes hard to find, but it souds like the law is taking its sweet time too find more people involved. does this boy still go to school. i tink the school shoul be informed and this needs to be more public. thank you and i am so happy things will be ok for you in time

  9. Jesus… as I look at my 4 month old daughter and contemplate moving back to Hawaii from Thailand I have a lot to consider. I’ve always thought Hawaii was a horrible place for a teenage girl…

    My sympathy is with you and your family and your little girl’s recovery!


    • this is a horrible horrible story but it doesn’t mean hawaii is a terrible place to raise a teenage girl. bad things happen everywhere. there is alot of beautiful rerasons it is a great place too.

  10. Holy s@#&! I wonder if that’s what’s happened to so many of these so called runaways. I’ve always wondered what was going on with all of these missing girls that I’ve read about in the papers over the past two decades; there have really been a lot. Wow, this story blows my mind.

  11. Surely there is nothing going on in Hilo more important than stopping this organized crime group.

    Resources should be reallocated to finding the people who stole this child and putting an end to their activity.

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