World’s Largest Solar Telescope is Set to Rise Atop Haleakala

Why am I always the last to hear of things?

The Advanced Technology Solar Telescope will require air jets to keep its 4-metre mirror cool. T. Kekona/K.C. Environmental

After being thwarted for years by objections from Hawaiian native groups, the world’s largest solar telescope is set to rise atop Haleakala, the dormant volcano that is the highest mountain on the island of Maui.

On 9 November, Hawaii’s Board of Land and Natural Resources issued a construction permit for the 4-metre Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST), which with a 43.5-metre-tall enclosure will tower over the many other astronomical facilities on the mountain. The project will begin removing rocks and grading the 3,084-metre summit site as early as next week…

Full Story here: Giant Sun Scope Clears Final Hurdle

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