Hearing Scheduled for PLDC Bills

Hearing Scheduled for PLDC Bills


WHAT: The Committees on Water & Land (WAL) and Finance (FIN) will be hearing 6 bills relating to the Public Land Development Corporation (PLDC) and will be joined by the Committee on Education (EDU) to hear a bill relating to public school redevelopment. Decision making will follow.

WHEN:  Saturday, February 9, 2013, 9:00 A.M.

WHERE:  Hawaii State Capitol Auditorium

WHY:  The public has voiced serious concerns with the PLDC and the Legislature has taken swift action in hearing these bills, which represent a variety of options to comprehensively address the issue.

WHO:  WAL Chair Cindy Evans, Vice Chair Nicole E. Lowen, FIN Chair Sylvia Luke and Vice Chairs Scott Y. Nishimoto and Aaron Ling Johanson will be joined by members from their respective committees to hear the bills.

The hearing will be broadcast live on Olelo, Channel 54.

The notice posted below contains the bills on Saturday’s agenda as well as links to submit online testimony.



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