Sciencenter’s Sagan Planet Walk – New Star Station to be Located on the Big Island

The Sciencenter’s Sagan Planet Walk will soon be the largest exhibition in the world! On Sept. 28, the exhibition will expand from Ithaca to Hawaii to include the star nearest to the Sun, Alpha Centauri.

In keeping with the 1-to-5 billion scale of the exhibition, this new star station will be located on the Big Island of Hawaii at the Imiloa Astronomy Center of the University of Hawaii. The newly expanded Sagan Planet Walk will measure 5,000 miles from end to end.The Alpha Centauri station has been two years in the making, a partnership of the Sciencenter, Imiloa Astronomy Center, Cornell University, the University of Hawaii and NASA…

More Here:  Sciencenter’s Sagan Planet Walk expands to Hawaii